Texas teenager expelled from Christian school over his sexual orientation.


  1. It is a hard to accept the consequences for ones decisions. At some point, people will have to accept that homosexuality is not acceptable to everyone. Doesn’t mean folks hate them, just not an acceptable lifestyle that is wanted in their presence.

  2. Did you hear what the child said the beautiful child of God he's doing what Jesus would do I'm 58 I'm still trying to do what Jesus told me to do and that was I was born gay we are born this way God is trying to move and teach us something may we all have our eyes open in Jesus name

  3. in the storms of life is where a man is truly made where souls are being perfected restored and saved I will wait on you oh Lord and know that you are near I won't trust in what I see ahead but only what I hear and I hear you're still Small voice telling me to be calm to rest assured in your peace and be still have faith my brother you did the right thing tell the truth if God is for us if God wants us to speak true don't be afraid to speak truth I was born gay as well don't look at the things around you that's happening let's carry the message that God has given us amen

  4. And to the mother love your son don't reject him don't hate him don't try to change him let him flourish and be the person that God created him to be trust in God not mankind and your child.

  5. Also Jesus said if they don't accept you where you're from dust off your feet shake it off I know it's hard to shake it off but that just means a message needs to keep going forward my love to you all all welcome to the family of misfits. 🌈😷

  6. His mom is not a very nice person. Maybe this will teach her some compassion for others. Karma is a b****. God knows how to humble the proud.


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