What’s this tension? If I could’ve been born without this tension.” Well, if I wouldn’t’ve had this tension, I wouldn’t’ve been what I …


  1. Speaking of tension, I was praying about it this morning. What would you do if you didn't have tension? Just think of it. Tension is part of living. That kind of encouraged me when I thought that. If you had no tension, you'd be like a rag doll, you wouldn't have no feelings. There'd be nothing you could work on. Like a husband and wife, maybe if she wants to do something, and they're trying to work together (especially Christians), and the other one wants…. And then when you come together to … you find out what she's done; she finds out…. See, the tension really brings you closer together. And somebody tells you that “Well,” said, “just think of the little wife that went under a lot of tension when you wasn't so good, or the husband went under some tension when you wasn't so good. Then when it's all forgiven, look how you feel about him. My, you just….” See, you've got to have tension. That's all.
    And just think, of feelings, what if you didn't have any feelings, no pain or nothing? What if there be no pain at all? You'd have no feelings at all, see. And if you had no feeling, then one of your senses would be gone, see. So, see, everything's just right anyhow. So, “God, just give us grace to stand up to it,” that's the thing. If we just stand up with that grace, and stand there and say, “We know that when this life is over, the great one's on the other side where we're looking to go to.” And now, we remember that all these things, that tension….
    Some people tries to introduce Christianity, that “you're free from worry. You're….” No, you're not. “You're free from tension.” Oh, no! You add tension when you become a Christian, because you was kind of a flop-and-go, happy-go-lucky, whatever it was out there, not caring what you did.
    But when you become a real Christian, every moment you're wondering, “Am I pleasing my Lord? If I could hear from Him!” It puts you on tension, puts you on guard. That's what makes you what you are. So after all, tension is a blessing. It's just the way you're looking at it, just the way you're looking at it, see. If you just look the other side, there's…. No matter how thin you slice anything, you still got two sides to it, you see. So you want to see both sides.
    So tension…. I think, “Oh my, it's…. What's this tension? If I could've been born without this tension.” Well, if I wouldn't've had this tension, I wouldn't've been what I am. I wouldn't've been a Christian, perhaps. It was this tension that drove me to Jesus Christ, see. So, it's been a blessing thing to me.
    William Branham (63-0818 – The Uniting Time And Sign)

  2. Amen n very true Hallelujah 🙌 All Glory to Lord Jesus Christ Flow Spiritual Fruits of Blessings on all of u n ur whole family n ur ministry in Christ n ur utube channel Abundently n Richly n protect u all by his Holy Blood Shalom Amen 👍🙌


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