Don’t miss DAY ONE of the Morris Cerullo DECLARING WAR ON THE DEVIL’S WAR School of Ministry on You Tube! If you have …


  1. Thank you PAPA MORRIS for allowing Our FATHER which is in heaven, to reveal to everyone of us to "RISE UP, DO NOT BE AFRAID, DECLARING WAR ON THE DEVIL'S WAR. HALLELUJAH. Thank you Lord for for preparing us. Lead us oh Lord, take control on our life. IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS. AMEN.

  2. Keep me ,& my Family's in Y'all Pray Bro. Don Mandell Bro. Greg Mauro Bro.Bro.Marc Masson I Will join the School next month & call in. LoveπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

  3. Praise the Lord πŸ™ My first Mentor told me I was a Soldier for GOD but didn't explain it properly: however, Bishop taught me to be pure and fight the powers of darkness but PAPA MORRIS helped me understand why I was a Soldier for GOD… I really didn't think I was supposed to be a Soldier because I was was a wife and mother…. Now, I no longer feel like a stranger without being able to testify that GOD chose me and many other Women to fight the devil… But my Pastor told me when I told Him Hashem had visited me; when I was about 20- yrs old. My Pastor said GOD didn't need any women… He have Men!


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