Playlist: Five Fold Ministry Videos: Bro. Branham Had All 5 Preaching …


  1. 13:29 i love the analogy of likening teaching to refreshing dew. i've definitely felt refreshed upon listening to godly teaching, and it's nice to see that that feeling is scriptural via Deuteronomy 32:2

  2. Thank you dear brother for a beautiful and anointed teaching on the office and gift or an ordained Teacher. I was also extremely blessed in that Dew scripture that I'd never beard before. So refreshing and wonderful and encouraging is every teaching video that the Lord inspires you to make here. I'm sorry as my comments are always way to long but I wanted to share a couple things that was quickened to my heart. I thought it was interesting how the Lord shows us in Matthew 28:19 that the Lords commission of going out and teaching all nations was in conjunction with making disciples which fits perfect with your video. YOUR HOLY GHOST TEACHING IS SUPERNATURAL DECIPLSHIP! And what is Disciple fellowship? It's 2 FELLOW DESCIPLES IN ONE SHIP SHARING REVELATION! Smile……Also, I believe some people even believers fail to understand the meaning of 1srt Tim, 5:17 which teaches us to give double honor unto the elders who do well and that labor in the word and doctrine. The lack of understanding is in the double honor part. Honor means- high respect; great esteem and most importantly to honor the one God has anointed to teach means- adherence and obeying what is being taught. Then we are commanded to double that. Wow…..I believe the true heart of the Bride seeks that and that's why I always try to honor you and your gift my brother for at the same time I'm honoring the Christ in you by doing my best to live out God's HOLY GHOST TEACHING and sharing it and teaching it in prison! Shalom in the deep Love and Respect of Christ Jesus!❤❤🙏🙏❤❤

  3. May the Lord bless you my brother it was such a wondeful exposition of the 5 fold ministry. May the Lord meet the desires of your heart.
    Ill meet you on the other side🤝🤝
    Greetings from Zimbabwe


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