TD Jakes Ministries May Be Facing Legal Issues Is TD Jakes Ministries in hot water? Speculations are rising about potential legal …


  1. It's amazing how weak-minded people can be. They are so desperate to believe is something, they will stand for anything. I know because I've been there. Now I choose the Jesus Way. No preachers, no priests, no fake Pope.

  2. Other than Pastor TDJake dancing at P. Diddys home.. what other proof is their…. Sounds like there are those who are so negative.. and would love nothing more than to destroy this man. Where is the proof of other situationd… Not I know what you did' but in reality …. Know absolutely nothing…. sad sad sad….

  3. You know this is truly why we as Black folks have such a hard time as a race. We don't need anyone else to tear us down.. why??? Because their are those black folks who do it so much better than others.. damn shame. Those who seek to destroy and in reality know absolutely nothing ….why because they do not even associate with these people…. Now some are true…but have facts…not " girl did you hear"..yes I did..ummmm.I always knew….knew what. Stop……get a real life…


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