Talking to Teens about Drugs: Found in Reverse Translation?  | Jibran Khokhar | TEDxGuelphU

With the ever-changing drug landscape due to recent legalizations as well as emerging drug-taking technologies (e.g., vaping), …


  1. God Protect University/school students from student roommates/classmates who are intoxicating substances marketing agents or/and are addicts that tempt them to do intoxicating substances as a cool thing under peer pressure at dorms, apartment parties & get togethers. God miraculously give students & youth the wisdom to not be people pleasers under peer pressure & let youth be assertive against intoxicating substances & repot abusers/misbehaviors/crimes done by addicts & drug sellers (gangs-mafia/addicts/deviant migrants) to university/school authority. God give youth wisdom to discern right from wrong and not to do drugs or intoxicating substances to escape stress or other issues.

  2. God bless our future world. God bless protect and heal our world youth from drug side effects , drug related crimes and mafia. God always keep the world youth healthy wealthy wise and spiritual for a prosperous world. God bless youth to have an internal locus of control and stand firm on universal good beliefs. God give wisdom to youth to say NO to drugs or any thing addictive. God guide them in the right path so many don't go astray and our future world doesn't have to deal with the damage done by addictive personality type & other types of prodigal children.

  3. God Protect University/school students from student roommates/classmates who are intoxicating substances marketing agents or/and are addicts that tempt them to do intoxicating substances as a cool thing under peer pressure at dorms, apartment parties & get togethers. God miraculously give students & youth the wisdom to not be people pleasers under peer pressure & let youth be assertive against intoxicating substances & repot abusers/misbehaviors/crimes done by addicts & drug sellers (gangs-mafia/addicts/deviant migrants) to university/school authority. God give youth wisdom to discern right from wrong and not to do drugs or intoxicating substances to escape stress or other issues.

  4. This title is unintentionally misleading. Good discussion on the why drugs are bad, but um, isn't that blatantly obvious teens shouldn't be using? Looks for HOW to talk to them about it.

  5. American Parents!!!!!
    That this time your Teenager!! Need your help with Drugs coming in community and town!!!
    Killing our future!!!!
    Our both side in Washington DC!!!
    Not address this issues coming over Borders!!!
    The senators should be speaking to governors for National G on the border and checking every vehicle that’s coming over the border!!!!!
    Wake Up American 🇺🇸!!!!!
    God Bless!!!


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