T.D. Jakes shares a powerful sermon on TBN’s Praise about bringing your needs to God, and trusting Him to supply those needs …


  1. God I've asked you this before and I'm still in a bad position. Please show me what I'm doing or not doing that's keeping me from receiving your glory. I can't remember the last time I was in such a desperate place so Father I'm asking for your mercy and grace. Show me how to walk through this and pull your daughter from this mess. Thank you Lord! Amen and Amen.

  2. I pray for you and your family pastor T.D jakes . May God give you strength and let all lies and attacks upon you and your family be brought to true light in Jesus Christ name , THE DEVIL IS A LIAR ❤🙏

  3. I need it all bro I need all his Love 💞 I came to the realization that I need everything that Jesus gave…. Every drop of blood, every drop of sweat 💦 every word, every thought- teaching, yes I love this ….I love this … Yeah I needed this one I Love you Lord 😅😇✨🕊️

  4. Amen. Father God, I am hungry. I surrender to you. You are my provider, my vindicator, the man of my household, my husband, my partner, my supplier of divine intervention. I can not do this without you. You are the master of my needs. I do have people in my life that feel they don't need you. I thank you in advance for guiding my steps in regards to that. Thank you in advance and right now for protecting me. Thank you in advance for being the father God to my children. Thank you Father God for being the security system for my house. Praise your name right now and in advance. In the name of your son my personal savior and friend Jesus Christ. Amen.

  5. Amen. Father God, praise your name for protecting the children you have that are on drugs. Thank you for protecting the family they have. Thank you for providing divine intervention and thank you for keeping us out of the same grip that is upon them. Guide my steps Father God. Thank you Dearest Jesus for keeping us covered in your blood. Thank you for keeping my money that has been anointed by you covered by your blood. Thank you for keeping me by you even though I am a sinner. Thank you for keeping the words I say covered in your blood and thank you for showing me what happens when my words are repeated by those that are not of you that want to destroy me in any fashion. Glory Hallelujah Father God. Glory. In the name of my personal savior and friend Jesus Christ I pray. Amen. Thank you for every dimension of God's glory . Amen. Thank you for seeing me through safely, loved and no longer hurt by evil in any dimension or angle. Amen.


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