T.D. Jakes shares a powerful word on presenting our needs to God so that He can pour out His grace and provide blessing after …


  1. So many people are starving. Hurting. Scared. I want to lift you all up in prayer. I'm praying that yolks and strongholds will be broken. I'm asking God to answer ALL of your prayers in a way that will truly delight and amaze. I am asking Our Father to cover ALL of you, your families, your jobs/careers, your homes and all of your possessions, your friends, your health, etc. Jesus"s love is great and everlasting. Y'all, let's continue to lift Him up and lift up eachother. Amen. Amen. Amen.❀

  2. Lord thank you for the message and the messenger continue to bless him and his family!Lord lead and guide me to the straight and narrow way. I know I'm not where I should be but I will not give up,I will not give in!!

  3. Thank you lord for giving me the assurance that you will not leave or forsake me or Matthew during this upward climb towards healing and getting our children home with us and that you reveal to me where you intended for them to be lord and I have faith when I amable to not doubt that that you will supply all of my needs You know my heart father god I ask lord that you help build a strong solid healthy god loving heart of people to help me to receive the needs that you know I so humbling need you are the master of the needs I ask that you surround my children with mighty angels to protect them during this temporary seperation between me and each of them I ask that you place your healing hands on Kaylee and Grace and Grayson And faith and harmony you know how desperately I need them with me lord I trust that you will give me the strength and motivation it takes to complete the requirements that are set for me to have them home I am asking that the holds that are keeping us from
    Each other be broken and that a safe warm loving pathway be help me to do what is your will in mine and Matt’s life lord take the wheel and break Matt’s chains but first please lord send someone into that jail that is meant to share your love and life or that he meant to share his knowledge of you and your love with him I ask that the chains be broken of addiction and mental health issues and that you give work in our hearts to give one another the Version of the vision that you have for each of us I praise your name father god speak to my heart lord don’t leave me for one second father god fulfill my needs the needs of Matthew and the needs of my children in umyou name I pray amen

  4. Blessings for my family Claudia and sheriff and kashia duprene Romell jemell Pauline and family πŸ™ Ms Miller Ernie Cecil Darien kids Daryl and family and friends and everyone Tanisha and family frarrah and family her knew member baby Barbara and family πŸ™ Al and family πŸ™ bless everyone I love jemell Romell duprene Ernie Cecil take care sheriff blood clot and health made money truck driver blessing he take care his self. Jesus is mine I'm let shine πŸ™ blessed kashia duprene Lord made her happy . Need u to come my life made made u my saverand Jesus Christ and Lord Name God is good help me with soul my diabetes yes will take care my self bless fraine Romell bless thank u heavenly Father πŸ™ Jesus Christ and Lord God Almighty Amen Amen

  5. Amen πŸ™ glory hallelujah. Hallelujah thank you Jesus πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’ͺAmen, Amen, Amen πŸ™ anit nothing like the word that TD Jakes gives shout again Amen πŸ™ I so love him πŸ«ΆπŸ½πŸ‘ˆπŸΌ


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