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  1. The bible also said. Children must honor their parents and the same time. Parents should not provoke their children to anger. I don't get it with these African mother. They bring too much drama when visiting their son home.

  2. That mother in law was pure evil and jealous… She preached about god's teaching …but displayed a devilish character all with same breathe… This is an example of why so many marriages fail… A marriage is two people in Union… Not the inlaws ,friends, family members trying to run and control the marriage and household… More people need to learn how to handle situations like this and put people in there place…. It's away to do it with respect… Even tho I understand in cases respect goes out the window at times…. This was very sad to watch at first to be honest …. The husband allowing his mother to talk to him and his wife any kinda of way and treat them any kinda of way…The mother had it in mind… That she comes before everybody including the husband her own son… Putting that pregnant lady through all that out of hate and jealous…. That mother was pure evil ….
    It is very important to watch the people who we let into our lives and homes… Even if they are family or so call friends… We have to learn to distance ourselves from people . Who mean us no good or don't want us to be happy. …. God bless those who are dealing with this right or have dealt with it in the past…. This is not right and nobody should be treated like this especially in their own damn home …. God bless

  3. This film was heavy on my heart. It was a had pill to swallow, U see I am living this life, glad she had here last child I lost mine and worsted I married into a mix race racial family. Thankful l always love me and full of confidence which keeps me😂😂😂


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