A special thank you to everyone who continues to support us in various ways, and we hope that you will continue to do so in the …


  1. There is no denying that I am "under attack" by a very organized FORCE that is relentlessly looking to destroy me, no matter what anyone may think. Everything I hold dear, everything I have ever felt a form of pride in, all the fruits of my efforts, are systematically and meticulously assailed and destroyed: I have felt pride in being strong, intelligent, handsome, attractive, funny and hardworking; I have felt pride in being appreciated/respected in my work and in growing in knowledge, in associating with good people, going out with beautiful girls/women, acquiring goods through my efforts (various equipment, car, house, etc.), and I have even been very close to getting married…
    But on my path stood the Divine Destroyer, attacking the fruits of all my efforts, my work, my almost-wife, my health (physical strength), my belongings (computers, phones, car, house); All that remains for him is to attack my intelligence and my freedom, for the sole pleasure of the Living God, because absolutely everything that happens in Creation is the Will of the Almighty!!!
    Why should I even pray, knowing for sure that the Almighty’s plan for me has always been destruction? I’ve tried to come to many men of God, the prophet Kobus Van Rensburg being the one I respected the most through his amazing teachings ; but I lost him, nothing changed in my life, in fact things was just getting worse. I’ve approached many many other "men of God", most of them appearing to be just scammers, and still no change my life. I’d dedicated my life to the Truth, the Word of God, eating It, breathing It, being immersed in It inside and outside, all around me, but everything looked like I was kept out of the Power of the Word of God.
    I don’t even know why I’m writing to you now, I’m just writing, hoping for an answer, an explanation to what I’m experiencing…
    You’re blessed, you sons of Kobus Van Rensburg, mighty man of God


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