Again this is just a video to make the church aware of what us teen be going through with a little rant on the end Instrumental: …


  1. Bruh 🤦🏾‍♀️ I can definitely relate to a lot of points you covered. I started something call Testimony Tuesdays on my Channel where I basically will be covering similar topics to what this video is about. The struggles of a young Christian, how I stay grounded, my experiences etc. It's so good to know you're not alone and there are other Christians that share the same struggles as you. I don't really have a solution to that yet but I just want others to know there are relatable Christians out there.

  2. i feel this soooo much i am the only teen that goes to my church and it’s so hard to talk about how i feel about what i learned bc everyone is over the age of 30 or under the age of 10 and i’m turning 17

  3. Bonjour sis. I'm really thankful you made this vid, I've searched the entire internet and hardly anything is there to support teens in other topics than sex and drugs and etc. Why eat there some about our struggles, someone not being there for you at night to pray to God with or even being the only Christian in the household as a teen and I mean only(like me). I pray to the Lord and ama pray that someone should invest much time for teens, even if that person will be me in the future if God's will. I'm really happy you made this because now this can be known to leaders and others. You know, when you search things about God on the internet, most of it is addressed to adults and that's a down boring of sadness even for me because I am a teen. I want to help teens and children because not enough time and materials are being invested in us. Anyhow, sis, thanks again, God Bless and Stay safe.

  4. I love this…hearing the youth talk about this gives me hope. BE THE LIGHT BABY! I'm 28, and the same things you're talking about here, are still the struggles of my generation too. And I'm currently struggling with it, which is how I stumbled upon your video. You're bright, beautiful, don't let anyone get you off track. God blessed you 🙏🤍🖤


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