When strange fire is offerred on consecrated alter. What happens next. This movie is about the persecution of a Pastor JIDE …


  1. Sincerely I don't know why the pastor doesn't want to marry them? Yes, they have sinned but they want to make it right by getting married. What are they supposed to do now that the deed is done? Remain in sin??? I don't understand this movie

  2. We Christians need to regularly examine our lives in the mirror of the dictates of the Word. Days of covering up sinful practices with Church attendance or positions are long gone and have never augured well in the long run. And even though we are meant to fellowship as one body each person is running his or her own race. One test or trial can take one back to square one. Tests and trials are meant to take us to the next level and not to floor us woefully. And until that trial is passed successfully the person remains stagnant at that point even though you may be seen to be running helter skelter and being busy in the Church. This movie exposes practices within the body of Christ. It buttresses the point that the fear of God is truly the beginning of wisdom. May God continue to help us all in Jesus name Amen

  3. Question?? should Pastors really not officiate weddings where the bride is pregnant??? Whilst I appreciate that the marriage bed is not to be defiled I think where two young people want to do the right thing, the Pastor should counsel them, lead them into repentance and then proceed to join them in holy matrimony, I honestly think the church must not be this rigid and judgemental towards such issues, only God knows how many are being joined in "holy matrimony" after defiling the marriage bed only difference is ;there is no evidence of that defilement because the bride didn't fall pregnant, otherwise I'm in full support of the general theme of the movie that it's not right as an influential member of the church to control the Pastor and that Pastors should not be manipulated by such members…

  4. Women and materialism. If you as a minister, called by God allow anyone to influence you to change your position on God's precepts, ONLY you will answer God because it was you he called not them.
    A lot is wrong with the church of today where it is an employment to be a pastor rather than a calling.
    Your messages and the move of the spirit is regulated by men and women who call themselves administrators or elders.
    Elders like Stephen filled with the holy spirit are rare these days


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