Stop the Stigma: Why it's important to talk about Mental Health | Heather Sarkis | TEDxGainesville

Heather shines an understanding light in the dark “stigma” of mental health. She provides a unique viewpoint and embraces the …


  1. I agree with everything you said is fact based for anxiety disorders that are common. Like panic disorder like I expeirence. Easily treatable once identified because it's very common and many people experience panic attacks. This doesn't mean they understand the triggers, worries, fears leading to it. Or some people's suicidal thoughts with the same disorder I have. Misconceptions and stigma are the problems in society. Youth who experience this have it even worse I'm already discriminated against for being young. Hostile or excessive sarcasam people who are abusive might not even realize there causing an issue. Some sarcasam is funny but with mental health it's not so funny.

  2. I've had conversations about this with older people. People aged 45 to 60's don't quite understand mental health or the simple common conditions/disorders. I dont understand bipolar because my emotions don't do that so I'm confused how they change so quickly. And schizophrenia don't understand never met anyone with it and not common. Hallucinations don't understand people with those. I understand panic disorder best and those symptoms from what I've experienced. Dropping stigma and false info around health for vulnerable people whether young adults or old, children mental illness/common anxiety disorder is tough to get through the day sometimes if high functioning

  3. it's painful to see how this video was posted 2 years ago and yet the views can't even reach a thousand or even a million. we must also shed light into the topic of mental health for it affects a lot of people.

    in line with the world's mental health day, i hope u know that you are valid and you are not alone. even tho i am only a stranger i also do hope that you will win whatever silent battle you have going on inside you. i know you can do it.

  4. To everyone reading this struggling with mental health issues, its going to be alright. You are going to be ok. Don't beat yourself up too much about it. Don't let anyone tell you you lack anything or that you're less than enough.

  5. It’s very important, in fact I don’t hear enough about issues such as maladaptive daydreaming which on the surface doesn’t seem like a big deal, but makes even the simplest tasks difficult.

  6. With a seemingly altruistic agenda, the fact is campaigns aimed at ending the “stigma” of mental illness often have a hidden agenda: they are driven and funded by those who benefit from more people being labeled mentally ill and drugged—the psychiatric-pharmaceutical industry. The conflicts of interest with many of these groups is so pervasive that in 2009, a U.S. Senate investigation probed into the nation’s largest mental illness advocacy group, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). The group was asked to disclose any financial backing from drug companies or from foundations created by the industry. It was revealed that in two years alone (2006-2008) the pharmaceutical industry (Pharma) funded NAMI to the tune of $23 million, representing about three-quarters of its donations. NAMI still partners with psychotropic drug manufacturers.

    Other groups of concern were Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD), the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA), and Mental Health America (MHA), formerly the National Mental Health Association, to name but a few.

  7. To everyone who's struggling right now, please know that GOD LOVES YOU. He wants to help you and give you peace. Please surrender your burdens to Him and allow Him to move in your life.

  8. She sounds like she's about to cry. I always feel like crying when I talk abt my mental health so I'd rather not talk abt it to ppl who won't understand bc it makes me even more sad.

  9. Mental illness is not imaginary. I suffered from childhood sleep disorder since 9 years old. It eventually morphed into depression. Now the death of nerve cells in my brain and spinal cord causes partial paralysis, with my (ALS) symptoms, I will eventually die of organs failure.

  10. My father veda prakash is a mental health patient too…now he is not accepting his own illness..say things which are so unreal

    I accept patients take some time to accept the blunders or mistakes they have done…ee aarante ammakku praanthu pidichal kaanan nalla chellannu..aa chindhagathi mattannam

    When you are sick, what ever you do it is not your mistake

    But in case of my father…he drinks alcohol now which I completely object… alcohol, smoking,drugs make matters worse

  11. Don't feel shame. Everyone deserves to be happy, receive help and to recover. You cannot beat mental health illnesses on your own. Receiving help from a professional will help guide you using safe practices and tools. 🥰😘🌈💜💚🌍🙏✝️♥️🖤💗💙🤎🤍


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