The production of Calvary drama ministry It will bless your soul as you watch this movie in Jesus name. please Subscribe to our …


  1. And to the woman that is supposed to be a Christian but behaving like a worldly woman while soliciting for subscription. We should be the head and not the tail. We should stop behaving like worldly people. Believe and behave.

  2. Oh what a movie this is how when a minister is not well taken care of in a place or church where he or she belong if God doesn’t intervene he/she may go out of the will of God

    Please lord help the church to be conscious of all this carelessness

    Thank you sir for this great lesson

  3. hi.. some people have.. the covenant with poverty!.. look and see how the bishop give to him.. 1 thousand dollars only! pure comedy!… i wonder why many christians.. think their God.. want them to be a sufferer ..and remain chained to poverty! .

    .meanwhile their pastor living life of luxury!.. and wont allow you to leave chruchhouse.. until you put. some money in the plate… or sow a seed ! to many of these people put man(pastor.. bishop) ahead of God and his will for their life!..i dont wrong the wife at all! because MY God wants me to be prosperous .. in all areas of this my life!..

    lol..ok let me see how the movie go!…be blessed


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