1. Bishop Long settled because he knew more revelations would come forth. When the fifth person came forth that was not part of the suit appeared, Bishop Long knew it was over. Bishop was trying to save his legacy but may well have lost his soul. I sincerely pray he repented

  2. He was the pastor on the first season of Atlanta housewives that said he would bring in more money during the auction for a lunch with himself then dinner with Lebrun James……

  3. This preacher is nothing more than a professional conman ,in the face of more than 2 witnesses he blatantly, brazenly and definently rejects all the evidence against him.He should probably use David's example and said.Lord against you and you alone have I sinned .Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me ,there in was his redemption he that coveres his sin shall not prosper.

  4. He had a point. Example oj was acquitted on double murder but believe he was guilty but people believe he was innocent. Whether you think Eddie was guilty or not is your decision. But he was right in ending the fight. Even to this day he has ppl defending him saying he was innocent

  5. The number of accusers was growing so fast they were going to need to rent a school bus to bring them all to the courthouse. He settled because he was guilty AF.


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