Steps of Faith – What would you do if you told the world you heard God’s voice and no one believed you? Steps of Faith (2014): …


  1. Ok I was going to try and respond to everyone’s message but I just saw it was 588 comments?! So I’m going to say thank you here. Thank you for loving a performance that I put my heart and soul into. I just loved making this film. The story behind me getting this job was- I posted on FB that I was looking for an indie film. A few days later, my friend said that he knew a film director who was looking for a lead actress. I just knew it was my job so I got the script and read it and said yes. We started shooting like two weeks later! I was like yikes! I’m in every scene – that’s a lot to memorize in 2 weeks! AND we only have a week to shoot! But I was focused. The script was incredible and I knew how important it was. What I didn’t know was the amount of people it would reach! Over 10 million views and that amount was given 4 years ago. Amazing! And it blessed you. So I’m grateful. Again thank you to everyone who watched it. Keep sharing to the people who need faith.

  2. This movie touched my heart….I now understand why God takes us through things to help us overcome our fears and sometimes the process is hard, but He tells us in His Word that He'll never leave us nor forsake us. Thank you Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus. Amen

  3. Dear person reading this Please sit next to someone that you see is sitting by themself as an act of kindness to beyond a gazillion times and beyond that and beyond that and beyond that and beyond that and beyond that!😃

  4. Dear person reading this YOU are such an amazing person that you make life cooler than rocket science to beyond a gazillion times and beyond that and beyond that and beyond that and beyond that and beyond that!😃

  5. Dear person reading this let's always beyond greet people with kindness to beyond a gazillion times and beyond that and beyond that and beyond that and beyond that and beyond that!😃

  6. Dear person reading this YOU always beyond walk into the room like God sent you there to beyond a gazillion times and beyond that and beyond that and beyond that and beyond that and beyond that and beyond that!😃 I love that about you to beyond a gazillion times and beyond that and beyond that and beyond that and beyond that!😃

  7. Came back to watch because I believe God was leading me. I have to trust God with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding, and not just believe but act on my faith. After I watched this movie, I opened my daily Bible scripture and devotion app and and that is what it read.


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