Start Freelancing The RIGHT WAY | Jack Cole Subscribe Now: Freelance Tips & Tricks | Jack Cole …


  1. Third hi I've gotten so much better at premiere pro but u know what I'm talking about if u remember me
    Edit btw ur laptop kinda looks like mine but I dont thinks it's the same model

  2. Video intro is a GG stuff!! It will take you from 0 to infinity, new freelancers you got jack and his tips so use it when I started I didn't have all these, nowadays u guys have so much on the internet but yo guys are too lazy tbh!!! 😒

  3. You didnt include yap. Just curious, so how often when you've spoken to someone you didn't get the job. I bet it's a big percentage.

    I think you have to tighten up the subject. Presentation, gets them to the door. What are you doing to nail down the sale. I'd bet a lot of that's intuitive for you. The rest of it speaks to the gravy.


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