Stamped by Grace Pt 2 – Apostle Michael Orokpo.


  1. Grace is a person, personified and we are that dimension of God in manifestation. Grace and truth came through Jesus and of his fullness have we all received grace upon grace. Grace gives us spiritual advantage to manifest God in wisdom, knowledge, power, anointing – we cannot be defeated because grace sponsors victory.
    We need to grow in grace and manifest his fullness in layers. If God deals with us in his justice nature, we are all doomed. We don't qualify for salvation but his mercy prevailed over judgement. Grace suspended judgement so that everyone can be saved.
    His forbearance keeps us going at those times we keep going back to our vomit. From where God undermines iniquity, we should migrate to the level of perfection and empowerment. Grace sponsors the agenda of God on earth. Grace helps us to be true witnesses of God walking in perfection. Grace had no regard for territorial influence be a use whatsoever he does prospers. We are engraced to win; nothing dies with us. Your hand is the answers to the frustrations of men. Grace impacts to you ability to reign, to function like a king. The difference between a king and a slave is the mentality. Nothing should intimidate you, frustrate you, debar you, hinder you or reduce you. Grace keeps you lifted, protected, preserved and empowered. You are an ambassador, the safety of the road and territory. Pray like a ruler, a leader, overcome, winner who knows what he carries

  2. Grace distinguishes a man, it keeps you in the will of God. Grace makes a way and multiples favour and strength. Jesus gave thanks over five loaves and two fishes and it fed over five thousand adults. Grace multiples and creates change. Our protection and sucurity in life should not be based on relationship or anticidents or credentials but on the name of Jesus. I fear no evil no matter where i walk. David fought 66 battles and won but he know that the Lord is his shepherd. Take the name of jesus with and you will never be defeated because of grace.

  3. To manifest grace create condusive prayer atmosphere. Become swift in obeying God. Build and activate the power in you. Stir up the gift of God in you. Dont grieve the Holy ghost, dont quench its power in you thats a way to manifest the power of God. Grow in grace and hear God yourself. Dont rely on prophets to speak over your life and manipulate you as a puppet


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