Squatter sues homeowners from prison; El Paso County judge rules in his favor

A Colorado Springs man who lived in a dead woman’s house and used her car for months after she passed away is causing more …


  1. Politicians need to get involved & pass bills protecting homeowners & renters from squatters of all kinds with prosecution & stiff imprisonment.

  2. This is probably another example how foreigners see the American justice system being so damn backwards. Such a sophisticated system all to be reduced to these types of judgements.

  3. This is why you should just walk into the house you own and give them 30 seconds to leave, if they attempt to lay hands on you defend yourself appropriately. Hopefully they try to lay hands on you. It will make the planet a better place to live.

  4. The real question is how brainless morons become judges who side with criminals and members of legislation passing stupid laws protecting criminals instead of law abiding citizens.

  5. What we used to do with rental property whether it was a squatter or a tenant that stopped paying rent, we would simply take the door off and take it with us. It was like an $800 ticket, but a lot cheaper than them not paying rent for months and destroying the house/apartment. And they would usually leave quickly.

  6. I believe there is more to this story. Looks like the daughter and him was in a relationship and she let him live here and drive the car and I am sure the family knew about it and was against it. Probably not even talking to her until she passed away because something catch my attention when the mother said after her daughter died she found out someone was living in her house. Means she never visited the daughter’s home after her death probably even didn’t burry her. Otherwise the family would be at her house the same day taking care of things, the house, the car and its keys! Now the boyfriend is trying to get a revenge!


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