Squatter ordered to seek permission from the courts before filing any new lawsuits

t appears an El Paso County judge has had enough with a squatter who has filed multiple lawsuits from behind bars and will now …


  1. The court didn't notice in a "motion served" affidavit was notarized a week before the date of service. How is this same court system going to notice the man filing a lawsuit has a ruling against doing so? And why would the parole board consider him for parole? This RAPIST enjoyed the time he served by spending it harassing people with lawsuits. If ever someone should be serving his entire sentence, it's this guy AFTER he can no longer spend his days filing frivolous and fraudulent lawsuits against innocent people. If he's behind bars, maybe you have a chance to stop him from filing lawsuits in spite of the ruling. As it is, he's free to rape and trick the courts all he wants, apparently with impunity.

  2. If it wasnt for the fact that this family got koaa involved for the squatting this shit smear would have gotten away with this. And when the family didnt pay him they could have recieved criminal charges. There is something deeply wrong with how our justice system works.

  3. I’d like to slap that smile off that judges face! And, no prison time for these two forgers? They just get to walk? What a joke this would be if it weren’t for a grieving family that lost their loved one! 😢

  4. No enough physical repercussions for such a shitty person. It’s the reason why he keeps doing this to innocent ppl.

    *Edit – now that we know he’s a registered sex offender, he should be on his absolute LAST chance at any freedom. If this guy so much as even jaywalks, he should be nailed to a cross upside down.

  5. Assuming you return to your home and a squatter took care of your premises.
    Would it be allowed to put a sign on your ground "Trespasser will get *shot*!" and shoot him in your house? Why not? What would be the difference to a home invasion, where you are allowed to do this?

    Basically, it is a home invasion in your absence…

  6. How does a squatter who is not the actual homeowner able to sue? His name is not on the mortgage paperwork. They did not have a contractual agreement together. He should have been charged for breaking in and entering, burglary.

  7. Laws need to be changed to stop this illegal activity. How a person can steal another person's home is beyond me. It won't stop until laws are changed. Yes, I have every intention to write my congressman and state representatives to do something about this.

  8. They need to file a restraining order preventing him from filing lawsuits against this family again just Incase he tries this crap when he gets out.
    (Cause the courts are stupid and let sex offenders out all the time) he seems just despicable enough to torment this family again when he gets out.

  9. I've been following this from the beginning it is disgusting how much the system has failed that family just haven't they suffered enough for crying out loud I feel so sorry for that family all they've done is just add insult to injury to them well I guess one thing fixed his homeless problem I hope he spends a long time Behind Bars because that is honestly where he belongs he's a booger on the nose of humanity that needs to be wiped clean if you ask me

  10. He has a rent free place to live, and it's paid for by The Tax Payers, it's called Prison.
    But yet, he wants to continue living rent free by taking someone's property and trying to make them pay him for it

  11. That poor squatter is so worried about where he will be sleeping and where his next meal will come from. And his feelings were hurt after he was evicted by that evil family who lost a sister so he feels that he is owed $400,000 in damages and won the judgement after that mean family failed to appear.
    Oh wait, what really happened is he stole their family members car after she died, moved into her home, destroyed the home, sued the family from the jail and won the judgement by default because the family was never served any papers since the person “serving” those papers were slip in jail so no real and actual papers were served to the family. And he demands over $400,000 in damages? How about this. Let’s give him the roof over his head and 3 meals per day courtesy of the Colorado Prison System! See, all worries can now vanish.


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