Squatter now refuses to leave prison for court appearance

A convicted felon and squatter who is currently incarcerated filed a lawsuit against a Colorado Springs family after he was …


  1. I ll skip my mortgage payments, find a house and become a squatter then if removed i will sue the home owners for emotional distress and much more . Did I get this right ?

  2. All the evidence are there or what they have done to me I think it's nonsense to bring it back in the court what all the evidence they have but frostbite papers to me it seems like I'm sitting there Daryl cell give them a trial but they're there or not they committed the crime now they must do the time without fail and without Appeals

  3. Since the suit against defendants went through the court without the defendants, then why can't his lawsuit go through without his appearance? His lawsuit should be dismissed and their punishment trial go on.

  4. Full disclosure: the prisoner was the boyfriend of a woman who owned a house where he also lived. They were both alcohol and drug abusers and she OD'd and died, and he kept on living there. He's called a squatter because he refused to leave but he's not some random person who decided to move into a stranger's house.

  5. as for any movie prison scene I know of guards come in and B-Slap a prisoner, hogtie him and carry him wherever they need…maybe he needs a dark prison cell with a bucket and some rats for 30 days and see if he will be glad for the light of day in a courtroom…

  6. They do this shit because, unfortunately, we allow them to possible win. It's idiotic and serves no purpose. Why was this law put on the books and why is it still there. Does that mean that if I move into a 50 acre abandoned shopping mall and stay long enough it belongs to me? Sounds sweet. When THAT property gets attacked then something will be done. While it's you and I, nothing will happen. C.U.S.S. (put Congress Under Social Security).

  7. In what world does an inmate get to say "I've decided not to appear in court?" This judge is a joke. He should have issued a bench warrant and had the sheriff drag his A** to court.

  8. You're held without bond when you're a flight risk so that you won't miss court, making it the state's responsibility to bring you to court so long as you're in custody. So, what the hell is going on here?


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