The intrigues in SPOKEN 1 & 2 reach a boiling point in SPOKEN 3. This is it! Please LIKE, SHARE & COMMENT Watch.


  1. Evom is one the Minister of Salvation i came across their film first at DLBC Retreat with Movie title Olugbala Gbami And Iwe Ase since then i have been glue to their film they show salvation movie and heaven related movie God preserve and bless this ministry in Jesus Name Please we need movie to address Jehovah witness false teaching Thanks

  2. Thank Thank God it finally end in praise! May God help us to be strong during the period of trials in Jesus name. Thank God for the secret revealed in this great movie, letting go is always the best option. Prayers and good manners are inseparable in achieving success. God bless EVOM for the "Truth Revealed ^!

  3. Indeed there is power in our tongue may God grant us the grace to use our tongue to the glory of God. God bless the actors and actresses and the crew members in Jesus name amen . More anointing in Jesus name amen

  4. This film touched on a number of G-d's principles in a refreshing way. I was blessed so much, thank you all and continued blessings to each and every one of you🙏🏽 Also, I like the originality of sharing subscribers already subscribed, while inviting others to subscribe. The way cast and credits presented, surrounded by the word… wow! The music 🎶 💛🧡 it too. May I suggest all the inspiring music that is played throughout the Christian movies made available to us on a platform because so many I have searched for to no avail.

    I just loved sooo many things about this film. Blessings 🙏🏽

  5. Surely, "life and death are in the power of the tongue" according to the Words of God in Proverbs 18:21. Be careful how you use your tongue because our LORD Jesus Christ says, "that every idle word that man shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment-(Matthew 12:36)". EVOM Film, Thanks for this movie of three parts packed with messages. More anointing in the mighty name of Jesus.


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