1. The Bible is the only authorized platform for discipleship and mentorship
    Other things has some semblance of transformation
    But only the word brings transformation
    Repetition causes persuasion
    When u open the word u see
    God is only committed to what he has said
    Gen 21/1&2
    Scripture-less prayer is a useless prayer
    God is only moved by his word
    He has exalted his word above his name

  2. Find what God has said about u. They are life to those who find it
    Everyone that seeketh will find
    I want to rise in purpose….what is your defense
    On the basics of truth and integrity
    For results pray scripture

    2. You find in scripture principles
    The way to obtain things
    Matt 13:11

  3. Gen 26:13
    Gen 17:6
    Heb 10:6
    Philippians 3:13
    Psalm 71:21
    Gen 12:1&2&3
    Gal 3:29
    Greatness is our destiny
    Everything we seek is with respect to the glory of Jesus and the revelation of Jesus
    John 17
    Principle of shared dominion
    With respect to greatness there are two principal seasons
    1.The season of preparation
    If you are not prepared for anything on the day of manifestation you will fail
    Theee phases under this season
    1. The phase of discovery. U will never be able to afua lose your call until u utilize this phase of discovery. What do u discover ?
    Your first discovery in life in order to be great is to discover God(becoming great the kingdoms way) Gene 1:1
    Ex 3:1-15
    In the beginning God
    2nd Phase: discover yourself. Now that u have discovered God u can discover yourself…if u don’t know who u are u cannot live a life a favor….identity crisis resultant effect of not comprehending your worth. This bedeviled world will define who u r for u. Find your picture from scripture

    Discover your ability…

  4. The phase of Development
    Potential : what a thing can become but it’s not.
    Grace to refine your mind first then gifts or potential
    Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ..Mindset. His mind.

  5. Our failures
    Shapes our mindsets
    Romans 12:2 to evolve into superior versions of yourself. Your destiny is looking for u but not this current versions of you. What u have to become to obtain greatness is greater than greatness itself…the person u r forces to become until u attain that greatness…knowledge, transformation and action.

    Non emotional project transformational
    Covenant. Make a covenant with yourself daily to sow into your transformation.
    Through the renewal of your mind
    Supply superior word based information
    And then repeating them until they superimpose the negatives that have surrounded the mind.

    Sit Down And Learn.
    Obtain grace from God.
    Education is not just an awareness of an information.
    Discovery and Refinwry

    The Season Of Testing

    Gen 22:1

  6. Greatness does not just happen
    Training teaches stability
    It does not yet appear
    When u r done with preparation then there is the season of manifestation
    Heb 6:15
    The same energy it takes to go back is the same energy it takes to continue; let’s continue

    Hebrews 6:10

  7. Apostle Sir, I do not idolize you, I honour you Sir, words fail me to say how much of an impact you have made in my life. I will forever be grateful for the day I knew about you and your ministry. Thank you Sir.

  8. Amen my name' and that of my loved ones on this altar of Koinonia Beauty Phiri Esther phiri yaredy phiri Gabriel Ilunga phiri Rebecca phiri Jemima phiri Towani and Alinase Isaac musonda Ephraim musonda Nigel musonda


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