Sowing and Reaping | Dwight L Moody | Free Christian Audiobook

Audiobook Description ~ We can’t get away from the principle of reaping what we sow. If we sow good seed, we anticipate a great …


  1. Yep!!! America is reaping what it sowed for 100,000 babies being aborted a year!!!! That's alot of babies!!!!! And with this virus, we're reaping judgment for it!!!!! May God have mercy on us for the babies we aborted!!!!!!

  2. After listening to this considering my past life in sins I have no hope for the future. Its non existent. I am going to live in the prison of my sins for life. I have to change my mentality to that of a prisoner without hope till I die. Live like a death row prisoner. Because my sins were great so my punishment will be great. I really destroyed my life permanently. 😪😪

  3. Only perfect people with no sin will enjoy heaven as for us born in sin even when we die born again this message says were are still going to be punished if we don't experience punishment here on earth. There's practically no hope at all 🙀😿

  4. The writer seem to have an understanding issue. How can you use Job"s friends as example. God rebutted them the very thimg they said. In fact God showed up the way they said he won't.

  5. Many years ago there was a popular song called "American Pie." It contained the words: "Did you write the Book of Love and do you have faith in God above…? Do you believe in rock and roll? Can music save your mortal soul?" Then the chorus said, "This'll be the day that I die, this'll be the day that I die." The fact that each of us is just a heartbeat away from eternity is sobering, but true. This could be the day that I die. After all, approximately 150,000 people will die in the next 24 hours. The biblical explanation for why each of us will die is fascinating. It says we have broken an uncompromising law, and the penalty is death ["the soul that sins shall die"] Let's see if you have broken this Law (the Ten Commandments): Is God first in your life? Have you made a god to suit yourself? Have you ever used God's name in vain? Have you always honored your parents? Jesus said, "Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Have you ever lusted? Have you hated anyone? If so, the Bible says you are a murderer at heart. Have you ever stolen something (irrespective of its value)? Then you are a thief. If you have told just one lie (even if you call it "white"), you are a liar, and you cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Listen to your conscience. The Law leaves us ALL sinner's in God's sight. On Judgement Day we will be found guilty, and end up in Hell forever. But Jesus Christ paid our penalty by dying on the cross 2,000 years ago. The Bible says, "God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Then He rose from the dead and defeated the power of the grave. If you repent (turn from your sins) and trust the Savior, God will forgive your sins and grant you everlasting life. Only He can save your immortal soul. Turn to faith in Jesus Christ, then read the Bible daily and obey what you read. You may not have tomorrow. God will never let you down.

  6. Jeremiah 29 v 11 For I know the plans I have for you declares the lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future! Yes we must reap what we have sown but God will forgive us if we confess our sins. I John 1 v 9 “ if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us and cleans us from all unrighteousness! God can do great things in a persons life even after mistakes are made. Moses was a murderer, Paul was a murderer, King David took a mans wife and had him murdered…. But yet God called David a man after his own heart! 💜 Do not let self condemnation keep you from the awesome love and redemption of Jesus Christ! All have sinned and come short of the glory of God! We all have skeletons in our past …even Dwight L Moody! Things that only he and God know! Even Mr. Moody needed the blood and sacrifice of Christ to become the preacher he finally became! Paul said, “ forgetting those things behind and press on toward the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus! So I say accept Christ as Lord and Savior and press on toward a better future!

  7. i enjoy your take on bibicial research, makes me cognizant of where i have been in mylife and what i have and have not done with it. praise god for lead me to seek this message via Dwight l moody. ammeennn. sowing and reapin t-4 virus 1940s and now c-19 virus , nwo , keep your eyes on todays happening.

  8. The Work of this unique
    Aneko press
    is a supremely learned way to tap into
    God's words , ways, thoughts and designed plan for BOTH
    the HERE + NOW
    as well as
    In The Eternal Realm
    Powerful are Every Study
    Grand To Hear Clear concise audio play
    With a thankful mind and heart

  9. This right here is what should be taught in school.
    What a wonderful book of truth.
    God bless you for putting this out there.
    Several realizations were had while listening.
    Actually I've been listening to a few of these while I sleep and while I'm awake and they're powerful.

  10. This book was wrote over a hundred years ago okay today we don't save you will reap what you sow even though every person knows it today the modern phrase is what goes around comes around they don't even know they're quote in scripture and most of these people don't want nothing to do with one true God this is America that tell cocaine and Other Drugs to buy guns to send them to South America and kill kids down there this was Ronald Reagan's Legacy believe it or not


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