Song of the Bandit: A Jack Cole Story | GTA 5 MOVIE

My third movie made in Grand Theft Auto 5, Song of the Bandit, tells the story of four bandits who find themselves surrounded by …


  1. That negotiator…. you could have gotten him to sound a little less like he reading off the script. I can really tell because of the way he was talking he would get stuck on words a lot. It was really obvious to tell

  2. Watching this made me realized that putting 'I Fought The Law' by Bobby Muller Four maybe in the ending would fit perfectly as the song is about someone who tried to fight the law after robbing a bank, but it all went to shit.

  3. Its start in 2017 the movie call jack Cole everyone likes it

    And the second movie start jack Cole 2 the greater evil it start 2014 prior to the event of jack Cole 2017

    Third a jack Cole story 1995 the early days of jack Cole character

  4. Great production value content as always, but the line about a convenience store job being a big score is hilarious considering convenience stores don't have the same amount of money as the Pacific Standard Bank does in the game. The most I can get out of it it's like a few like maybe $10,000 in GTA money. But the voice acting is also good.

  5. Im sorry but i can't lie that there's a lot need to be fixed here. I just don't understand the core of story and the behavior of the police. The police literally raining a store with bullets just to caught 4 people with handguns and shoot one of them after while still negotiating with the robbers. I also don't see this as a prequel because we still see jack cole as the badass jack cole, which what i was hoping in a sequel to see a leading character in different intepretation/behavior


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