Something Strange in the Sky Christmas 2020 | Daniel Kolenda – Off the Record

Just when you thought 2020 could not get anymore strange, now some crazy things are about to happen in the heavens. Some scientists think this might be what the wise men saw in the sky over Bethlehem and what Matthew described in his gospel, known as the star of Bethlehem. Could it be? And what does it mean? Daniel Kolenda shares his thoughts on this interesting news, the Star of Bethlehem, the Magi and more on this edition of Off the Record.

Newsweek Article: What Is the Christmas Star? Iconic Planetary Alignment Will Appear in December After 800 Years
Inverse Article: The Star of Bethlehem was Probably a Rare Planetary Alignment
Mystery of the Magi book and bundle:
Mystery of the Magi on Amazon:

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0:00 Introduction
5:06 Leaving the 2020 Drama Behind
6:19 Newsweek Article
9:14 The Reason I’m Discussing the Star
9:30 Inverse Article
12:04 What Did the Magi See?
16:08 Stepping into Speculation and Looking at Scripture
22:42 Reading from The Mystery of the Magi
24:18 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Originally posted 2020-12-30 15:08:27. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


    • Iamthewatchman Cathie ,for you Christmas is pagan holiday,not for us Catholics,Christ was born on Christmas and on Easter he resurrected,are you trying to change our beliefs???

    • @Kirk Williams So far,God%2C%20The%20everlasting%20Father%2C%20The%20Prince%20of%20Peace.
      : (and this is not MY cherrypickin)

  1. Seems like the political turmoil is connected to the spiritual, and something is about to happen in both worlds. We will focus on the spiritual and trust God to provide for the physical. 🙏

    • @servant sife I believe that we are in a spiritual battle in these times. We need to put on the full Armor of God & prepare for what lies ahead. Remember always “If God is for us who can be against us” & that with God we need not fear. God bless all.

    • absolutely right, i feel like politically we’ve been taught to hate the people that are truly defending faith, family, freedoms and are embracing a godless “socialist” society of wicked leaders

  2. Everyone listen, Jesus is coming soon! Praise be to the King and blessed be the Lord’s Name. Please get right with God. He is waiting and He loves you very much. Seek Him and believe in the Gospel. 💖

    I just want to share the goodness of God and how He changed my life. My mom was diagnosed with heart enlargement and pneumonia. She was in a very bad state back then. I cried to the Lord and He comforted me. He spoke words to me of healing and peace. He literally did everything for me guys. And just now, my mom’s heart was miraculously okay! The doctor did not find anything in her heart and she was back to normal. Her health was restored by the One True Living God 🥺💖 I glorify the Lord and Bless His Holy Name. I am just a wrecked sinner and He did this for me 😭❤ you guys our God is so merciful. His heart is so tender and kind. Glory to Jesus for He healed my mom. I want yo inspire everyone who feels hopeless, whether its a disease, depression, anxiety, Guys God is the only answer. He is enough and He is the Only one who can set you free. So please come to Him and believe that He will do it because He always listens. Never go weary guys, always come back to God and always wait for His mercy because He is everlasting. 💖🥺 Jesus is coming soon! Get right with God and believe in the Gospel. May the Lord awaken you all 💖 He loves you

    • There is this Beautiful Gospel Song called “Tomorrow” by BeBe Wayanns. Please listen to it. I pray it will open so many hearts and Souls. The words in that song, is so true. I wish I could share it, with all of you. But you know You Tubes copyright rules. Please listen to it and tell your Friends about it. The words are so true. God Bless all of you.

    • May God forgive my sins and my family and friends.God help us to have the right walk with you.Without you life is meaningless..As world’s atmosphere becomes more uncertain and fragile.May the one who holds eternity hold our hands to eternity with him.May we never get lost in the storms of this world.

  3. The Lord himself stated, “I am not of this world.” This world is run and operated by the fallen angels and their demons. The veil that keeps men asleep and unwise is nothing but lies, deception and illusions. They managed to reverse imagery making good look bad and bad look good. If Jesus is not from here, then neither are God’s children. This means that in order to return home, Jesus must come to get us, beam us up (we disappear) and take us to where we belong, with him.

    • @Lee Dile We are appointed to Salvation not Wrath. Wrath is God’s Judgment on the non believers! We will have trials and tribulation, but not God’s Wrath. I think the hour of great testing spoken of in The Epistle to the Church of Philadelphia is The Wrath and Our Messiah tells us He will keep us from that.

    • @Robin Luich
      Those Christian’s are the ones that get saved during, the tribulation…the church age we are living in now, ends with the catching away of the saints on earth right now…then there’s a group of people that get saved during the tribulation….known as tribulation saint’s. Saint’s are caught off the earth then the tribulation the middle of the tribulation the anti christ tries to make them take the mark or die, rather than take the mark and go to hell they would rather die.

    • @Robin Luich are you serious? There are not as many Christians as you think! There are way more that are not Christians. Those are the ones that will go through tribulation, not Jesus people!

    • @Penny Hickok No l’m sure the king James isn’t the first English translation… The Tindale Bible and couple other’s were beforehand…

      It’s false doctrine that l am talking about… I believe all God’s word’s… When we doubt it then our Faith isn’t Faith… 🙂

    • @Gerard Wainwright Isn’t the KJV considered the 1st translation of the Word? Since the original scripts weren’t in English or even Latin how can we be sure they got the translation right. To me it’s not that big a thing to quibble about. Both lion & wolf are predatory while a lamb is a timid creature so I believe it’s only making a point that the predatory animal is changed.

    • @R S I also grew up hearing it as “the Lion shall lie down with the lamb”. Guess the writer of “Peace in the Valley” also heard it that way. Every recording I’ve heard of the song has that in the lyrics.

    • @SunGyrl USA That’s true, you are right, and that is because your politicians sold your country’s secrets (economic, military, tehnological, political etc ec) to China in the last more than 20 years! But things will change soon!!! That is why the Bethleem Star (the conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn) will change the state of things in the most biblical, spiritual way!

  4. Why do people keep thinking that everything that is happening in 2020, will magically disappear on January 1st 2021. They still have to implement the policies of the Great Reset.

    • I think many of us just wish to all this to be over. But we all know that’s not going to happen, if anything this is only the beginning of worse things to come.

    • You are correct. It won’t disappear. What is happening to society, politics and world economy even “religion” was explained 2000 years ago. The thing about the Bible is that prophecies can not be altered, you can not pray them away – they WILL happen. From a human perspective; the radical changes to everyday life we accept today are but a step towards even more radical ideas we will accept tomorrow.

  5. Daniel if you read these comments please pray for me. I’m an ex drug addict that had been clean for several years but my life is in complete turmoil. Came close to taking my life yesterday. I don’t understand what’s happening. I have been called to preach for a long time and I feel like there is a target on my back. I need healing in my body and my emotions. Please pray. Thank you

    • I feel your pain, I have the same things going on in my life God keeps telling me that it’s almost over don’t give up! So hang in there put the bullets away…

    • How do you know that you have been called to preach? One has to have training in order to preach. To give witness , we are all called to this. Don’t torment yourself with this, so called, call to preach! Just enjoy your salvation and the privilege of being a child of God. Give Jesus more freedom in your life, we can conquer all things in Him, or to be more correct He will conquer these things in us if we surrender all things to Him. This is a process be patient with yourself. I will and have prayed for you.

    • I already prayed for you brother. Don’t take your life. There’s to much value. Just pray to God and he will fix everything. Never give up. Your Gods special gift.

  6. You’re absolutely right- America and the world elite have a serious case of A-fluenza. The lack of decorum and plain civility and good will is shocking

  7. This is the eternal message of salvation:
    Jesus paid for all our sins.
    That Jesus died on the cross for our sins, was buried, and he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.1 Cor15.1-4

    • @Jose Lozano
      You wicked heathen its YOU who preach a different gospel than Paul by OMITTION of the other 99.9% of his words like in:
      **Acts 19:1-7**
      Titus 2:11-14
      etc etc etc…

    • @Lana Rose Jaeger
      Anathema is everyone who preaches a different gospel than the one revealed to Paul.
      This is the eternal message of salvation:
      Jesus paid for all our sins.
      That Jesus died on the cross for our sins, was buried, and he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.1 Cor15.1-4

    • No, just because u educated urself its not true. Mary would never let Him die for your adult sins thats stupid. Whats done is done. Jesus is always safe never in pain that even this day people want to give will never happen. Die for your own sins there is no forgiveness after sinning and devil likes to steal spirits but God has them safe there is no third day.

    • God bless you beloved.
      I don’t know you in person but God knows you well
      God reveal a revelation to me when i was going through your profile
      to observe things about your spiritual life. While i was meditating,
      i saw a divine breakthrough in your life and i saw evil attacks of
      the enemies manipulating on seizing
      your favour and to come against your hand work for you to be confuse and lost hope in life. As i was praying the lord reveal to me and Instruct you to sow a seed into the life of a baby suffering from leukemia in children of tomorrow orphanage home located in burno meduguri in Nigeria before the end of tomorrow and let me know so I can join you in prayers deeply because he want to manifest his promises in your life and that of your family, Nobody should know about the seed is between you and your God, you will testify to the Glory of God after you have done it if only you believe in him and do what he says Proverb (3:27;21:26;22:9;Deu28:1-5). Contact
      the MD of the orphanage home on whatsapp on +2349071879581 and send your donation to them

    • China had artifacts proving the birth and death of jesus christ 💎🗽🤍described the story of the holy bible jesus wasn’t born in December on u tube ancient Chinese records proving jesus christ

      Please watch this video, and keep in mind that Christmas has to do with tradition.
      Also, please watch this, and check the playlists on the channel. ❤️🙏

      Christmas isn’t mentioned in the Bible, so it isn’t for me (Read Jeremiah 10).
      The exact date in month and day of the birth of my Lord and Savior, Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah) isn’t mentioned in the Holy Bible, so I won’t believe the lies man has to offer about Him (Jesus) coming to earth on December 25th.

      The KJV Bible is the most English trustworthy translation, for unlike other modern versions, it isn’t corrupted.

      Thank you for reading. God bless you.

  8. There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars.  On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.
    – Luke 21:25
    Jesus is coming soon! Look up our redemption is near 🔥

    • Tesla referenced human energy 🌬👻jesus christ referenced living waters 💎👩‍🎓👨‍🎓science described water memory 🌊👩‍🎨👨‍🎨existence reflecting psychologically, psalms16:24 k,j 👻💎👩‍🎓👨‍🎓🤍🗽💖🧮🛡🗡⚖🌪☄🌬🧮

    • ashleyscarlett85
      You are SO FALSE.
      Luke 21:*8 FIRST Jesus says not to follow Pre Trib liars like yourself who say, *’THE TIME IS NEAR.”*
      And you OMITTED Verses 8-24.
      Woe to you who TAKE AWAY from Gods Word.

    • @Donna Russell I think she means (not positive) but Easter is the new name for Ishtar, which is a pagan fertility ritual, hence rabbit and eggs, “hunting eggs” symbology. The pagans have tried to minimize the significance of the Passover by making it about eggs and candy.

  9. Our lord and saviour Jesus Christ is returning soon one day to take his faithful people home to Heaven for ever more!
    Repent your sins everyday and trust in Jesus Christ everyday. God bless you all everyone.

    • @Pat R I know many people (I myself) believe he was born some time in the spring. To me it doesn’t matter “when” I am truly grateful he came down (and the Word became flesh). Thank you Lord Jesus. We will praise your name forever. Amen!!!!

    • @Pat R However, you CANNOT mix lies with the truth. They just decided to say it was Our Messiah’s birthdate when a PAGAN day was celebrated. That IS WRONG! We celebrate a pagan day, but WILL NOT celebrate the 7 Feasts of God! They are not just for the Jews. They will be celebrated in the Millennial Reign of Christ.

  10. Another thing I wanted to share with you was a time when I was young about 19 years old. I had already had a little boy that was one year old. I had an experience where I was having a miscarriage but didn’t know for sure. The doctor said he would see me in the morning check me out. I got on my knees and I pray. To God for me to accept whatever the outcome would be. I cried, I was comforted by the Holy Spirit when I pray because by the time I got done praying I have prayed for many other people and realized how wonderfully blessed I was and had not you’re the problems others might have. My husband came home from work we went to bed pray together. Then in the middle of the night a bright light came into my room it was brighter than the new day sun. I had had a dream or vision but was not to remember it. I feel like I was shown my life and the many blessings I would have during my lifespan. When I began to wake up the words in the name of Jesus this is what I had asked for! A second time it was repeated. 1/3 time it was repeated. That is when I started to see the light coming to the window either side of my bed. As he came into the room it went the length that my body was and I felt a tingling sensation start at my head and go through my body at the same time it was coming into the room. When it reach my toes it started to descend out of the room. I was left with such a comforting Joy! God can make the Stars bright as he did that night for me. It was an indescribable radiant White light! I could not even see the curtains where I came in nor the window. I had asked to be comforted and the holy Spirit oh Christ came in and comforted me! Praise the Lord! There was much more before and after to this story. But you get the point of what I’m saying. I am now 74 years old.

    • Thank you for your beautiful story! So wondrous to be held so gently by the Holy Spirit…💞
      I have had some beautiful experiences throughout my lifetime. The most amazing was Archangel Raziel as a 6 year old and then when I was 30, both my children came to me one night whilst living in Yukon Territory. The peace in every cell in my body made me realize that there were many blessings ahead and that must strive to a conscious, loving, soulful mother and to teach my children their true worth as divine children of God. 🙏🏻 Merry Christmas my Sisters and Brothers!🌟

  11. Pray for me to get a good work and stable business, have been in Poverty, my life is so hard, pray for me pastor so that the Holy Spirit of God, shne the Lord’s light on our lives together with all my children and my husband, pray for my mother too that through your prayers l will be able to give her a home of her own by the Grace of GOD ALMIGHTY.

    • Were praying for you and your family brother… Be wise when God blesses you, and remember to get out of the cities, bless other’s, and pray that your flight be not in the winter.

    • God helps those who keep His commandments. For those who are worth saving, He will allow pitfalls to occur in our lives to get our attention. Search your life and heart that it is in tune with the holy spirit. Repent by putting away sin and ask God to come into your life and order your steps. Read and study His word (Holy Bible KJV). We all have to work out our own salvation because on judgement day, we all must stand before Him alone.

    • It is. But the heart and mind that believes in what it perceives so shall it manifest. If it yearn righteousnes or wickedness in the heart and mind so shall it be. The most high have many names…many call on it but if the heart doesnt believe it is dead works.


    • @Amazing Grace One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

    • @Acts 2.38Yes! But, unfortunately “evangelicals” can’t see that. They think titles of Jesus Name have power, and His actual name means nothing. You can clearly see this by witnessing one of their baptisms…Jesus name is always missing.

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      Copy and paste these URLs within the brackets in this message and delete the SPACE before the “. org” and “. com” in these links. Top browser result. YOU CAN BE SAVED TODAY!!


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