The problem with Young Blacks.


  1. It's gone totally out of control where's there are no solutions and nothing can be done to fix it Jesse Lee Peterson was warning us about this more than 20+ years ago y'all should have listened to him to where we could have been better prepared for this before it gotten this bad, it's going to get worse from now on

  2. Dominic?! More like there's reprocusions for ones actions!! Rob…loot…steel…there's no punishment!! So where is the deterance!! There isn't any! That's why you have this crap and it'll continue until you come down on this with a HAMMER!!!

  3. See thats the problem right there…. you wondered what color the people there that did that.
    What ever happened to just calling out bad behavior. We always shame and blame. Doesn't matter the color.
    Then some people don't want to shame and blame. They deny, defend, and look the other way.
    Other people see you do that and then call you out because you defend thug behavior.
    Its not rocket science, its in your music drugs.guns, hoes, money. You glorfy thug life.
    Dont accept crime. Do snitch. Shame and blame criminals.
    Thats the minimum to be a good person.

  4. As a black girl, I'm so tired of seeing this. The truth is stereotypes come from somewhere. How do black people as a community bypass the stereotypes of being "violent, ghetto, and thugs", if almost everytime I watch the news this is what I see. Obviously as a black person I know that not all us are like this but it's so frustrating. I wish we could do a 360 and become a community of prosperity, wisdom and integrity.

  5. My guy, you’re saying what I’ve been thinking for years, I’m 30. Keep preaching, this generation is wicked but there’s still time we just need to be still and trust God and move when The Holy Spirit tells us to.

    30:50 Saying it’s someone else’s fault has been going on since the fall. Adam put it on God for giving him Eve who gave the fruit, and Eve put it on the serpent. Taking responsibility and accountability has been an issue since the fall.

  6. 😮 I think 🤔 sometimes when you say something negative/bad about a person or a group of people and that's all they hear about them over years often, I think they will start doing/acting like whats been/being said about them 😢 It's just a theory of mine 😮

  7. It's like if your parents, sibling's or friends for yrs, tell you – you ain't going 😞 be nothing or you are ugly or you stupid 😑 and that's all you hear/heard then you really start believing it's true so now that's how you feel/see yourself 😢

  8. You have that one incident in Compton LA, and now you say Hispanic next in line? The statistics show that the majority are young Black boys and men are committing the crimes! So, keep your opinionated content with the facts and don't lump in other races with Blacks because you want to take some of blame off the Black youth and men. Finally, Puerto Ricans and Dominicans are Caribbean's that usually are associate more in New York or Chicago. You don't find Latinos from other (Central or South Americans) running around in the inner cities committing crimes with Blacks or even rioting and burning down their own communities like Blacks do! Thank you…

  9. Generation of FATHER LESS children, (BASTARDS)…. They are CURSED via GOD Himself…. DEUTERONOMY 23 🤰👩‍👧 28 SHAMEFUL REALITY BLACK COMMUNITY ISAIAH 3 16 🤔😳🥺😭🤮 here We ARE😢….

  10. My mind started going down the rabbit hole; my theory is …Allowing the Black youth to run wild is purposely done to justify implementing laws similar to the Southern Black Codes. When Caucasian neighborhoods start being terrorized, then they will support law enforcement rounding up the children. Then the prisons will maintain their free prison labor.

  11. Immediately after the Alabama shooting black Democrats in the state started calling for stricter gun laws. It turns out not a single one of the guns used in the mass murder was obtained legally. They were all underage and using stolen firearms. What new law would have prevented this from happening?

  12. I think they believe that they are owed reparations or feel this as a debt owed and decided to get some by any means necessary. But America is destined to fail by Divine judgement and melanin dominant youth feel the lack of a future prosperity for them from these racist institutions and systems in place. Their spirits are rebellious against the go along herd mentality when they perceive and see the writing on the wall and the enduring contradictions in the moral ideals of the standards propped up by the standard bearers in this American society. But only sharing a stream of my consciousness.


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