Someone Like You: Christian Movie Review #shorts


  1. You should know that your AI animations of Biblical people are inaccurate and extremely misleading. Many of the Ancient Israelites were pale skinned, red headed and blonde as well as olive skinned. This is backed up by biblical account. King David is literally described as ruddy, something that can only be ascribed to a ‘white’ man. The Assyrians pushed most of the Israelites out into the wilderness, mostly into Europe. The Ancient Greeks, Romans, celts (Galatai), Scythians, cimmerians are all at least partial descendants of the tribes of Israel. 1 of the 66 books of the Bible is literally named Galatians. Galatians are Celts. Paul wrote to them regarding them as brethren, blood brother. Frequent brown skin tones and eyes in the Middle East is a more recent evolution combined with the genetic traits of a small portion of the tribes that lived in Judah, modern day Israel and stayed there. These tribes are Judah, Benjamin and Levi mostly. All the Northern tribes from Ancient Israel (geographically different to modern) were exiled and mostly scattered into Europe and with some minority exceptions into Africa and Asia. Baring this in mind, combined with the surrounding Canaanites DNA and later the ‘Islamic conquest’ that are dominantly darker in physical features, as darker genetics are more dominant, the lighter tones became diluted/none existent in the Middle East. Many of the Ancient Israelites were white, as a fact.

  2. I saw jesus in his gloryfied form not long ago, he was as white as snow, and his voice was as soft amd calm as the winter. His light expelled the dark from his presence. He truly is beautiful. He showed me a fountain in a garden, amd there was one tree. I fell like it could be the Eden but I don't know, just know one thing brothers, he's coming in such a little time

  3. Hey!
    Are You From the USA?
    You Guys are so Cute
    My Jesus told me my Husband will be from Your country.
    I'm so happy

    I'm a Nigerian
    I can't wait to meet him.❤❤
    Keep up the Good work🎉🎉😊

  4. Question:Im scared about the rapture and if I may be left behind, should I always be worried or should I know I’ll be good because I have good faith in Jesus.(P.S I came back to Christianity around beginning of January 2023 since I was on the fence so I’m kinda new.)

  5. Jesus is Lord! He paid for your sins! By the way, we were all sinners. (that’s our nature without God) Jesus died a very bad death for you. He was nailed to a cross. God (YAHWEH) wants your heart because He loves you. Jesus was the perfect Lamb to sacrifice because He had no blemish. In other words, Jesus never sinned but he died for our sins. He paid the fines for our sins. That’s so crazy because we sin so much in our daily lives! He rose from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit! Jesus was sent by God because He’s God’s own son! He was filled with the Precious Holy Spirit (God’s Spirit) so He had the power over sin! We can receive the Holy Spirit if we do these things:
    1. Admit we are a sinner and repent from your sins (turn away from sin)
    2. Believe that Jesus is God and He died for you and rose for you
    3. Confess that Jesus is Lord.
    I love you, please take this into action. God loves you, Jesus loves you and the Holy Spirit loves you! You were in Their mind before creation. If you do these things you can have eternal life with God in Heaven! Look at creation, you can tell that there is a creator, the proof: creation. In the same way you know that there was a painter because you can see the painting. God is real and He’s coming to judge the world. It’s not by our own works we get saved but the works of Jesus Christ. Put your trust in Jesus and let the Holy Spirit lead your lives! I love you all, that’s why I am sharing this! I don’t anyone to go to hell! God bless you! Read the Bible!❤️🔥🕊😃


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