Social technology is simultaneously connecting us and isolating us. It’s affecting everything from our basic social relationships to …


  1. Didn't watch the video just wanted to say no, it's experience in most cases. To quote:

    In his difficult work Being and Nothingness, Sartre paints a bleak picture of human relationships.[3] He says that relationships involve a constant struggle over freedom, which is the only thing that really matters.[4] This tension arises because we either treat other people as objects (which undermines their freedom), or we allow ourselves to be treated as objects by them (which undermines ours). Either way, someone’s freedom is threatened, so encountering another person necessarily results in a struggle for dominance. Thus, Sartre’s pessimistic view of relationships seems to be grounded in his broader philosophy.

  2. I’m 19, in my view, Social media changing the way people communicate now with one another is what makes it’s hard for many like me who wants to connect with others in person to establish unbreakable relationship or friendship instead of just doing it virtually. Plus I don’t know what it’s like to be in a serious committed relationship with someone who will never leave my side and truly love me no matter what. Most girls during my time love hanging out with men my age who have resources to take care of their women to buy them whatever they want. The game has changed drastically because of social media.

  3. Watching this in 2022.. Noticed how people dont communication even digitally anymore? New updates just let us "react" to messages friends send us. We no longer even text properly.
    For social apps, these updates sure are making us unsocial.
    People go on dates, meet friends, and are on their phones.

    The irony is, most of us probably got this video link through social media

  4. It's such an astonishing speech. I'm really impressed with the message that she conveys. It's beautiful and true. People have been becoming unsociable because they spend most of their valuable time using social media. The implication of overusing social platforms is that they are staying away from real friendship and relationship as well. It not only prevents them to be gregarious but it also turns humans into addicted creatures without emotions and compassion for others. I totally agree with her statement that technology is not a wrong invention. The one people should blame is themselves because they have no idea on how to use social media properly.

  5. 3:12 – It basically appears as though social media is too tempting, too addicting for people to resist. It is able to deliver an artificial social response cycle that is manic at best, and psychopathic at its most profitable.

  6. Several of my high school friends either don’t have Facebook or they have it and never use it. I admire that as it shows that one can do without it and have great in person friends.

  7. My sentiments exactly. Let's get on board people and go back to we connected face to face. Sit down to a real conversation, not missing out on those precious moments of your toddlers, grandparents, family overall.
    Kristin is so right, it's killing marriages/relationships on so many levels and even friendships. I can vouch for friendships, as I've turned away from many due to their needing to connect only online. They have time for online but not a phone call, meeting out n about. Life is too short. YES you too can live without.


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