If you serve in youth ministry, you know how powerful of a force social media is in the everyday lives of students. So in this video, ā€¦


  1. This is great. Can we have a segment that discusses the different styles of "livestreaming" for Youth Ministry. I know you focus alot on livestreaming churches, but would love to get some more info on Youth Ministry Livestreaming.

  2. I'm currently writing my dissertation for my Applied Theology degree on how digital platforms have helped or hindered the Christian discipleship of young people. This video was so helpful THANK YOU!

  3. Hi im from Philippines actually this kind of strategy that reaching out Christian youth on social media is one of my ideas like playing with them on online gaming platform but on this video like tiktok, etc sound great idea so im gonna try this on my youth group thanks for this video God bless you sir

  4. This is awesome will definitely implement this with my students. Quick question though. Should I create 2 insta direct groups one for MS and the other one for HS. Thanks!

  5. Iā€™m in School to be a Youth Pastor. I just have one question. Iā€™ve always been weary of using TikTok. I know many parents are also against it. Would it be wrong to avoid tiktok? How do I navigate around that? (Not just tiktok, but other platforms as well) Would it be secluding to the youth who arent allowed to have social to create a private group through social? (Im asking to learn, not to critique)

  6. I am in charge of the social media at my church. I used my husbandā€™s personal Snapchat as our youth groupā€™s Snapchat since he does not use it. I just found out you can create a business Snapchat account. Should I do that?


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