Small Videos Clips of William Marrion Branham


  1. He’s not a man of stature tall,

    Nor lofty in his way,

    He sounds himself no trumpet

    As he goes from day to day.

    Has no desire for wealth nor fame,

    But none his place could fill;

    He’s just the way we want him,

    Our own dear Brother Bill.

    He teaches us with faithfulness

    The undiluted Word,

    No fancy ways, no love for praise,

    Just following the Lord.

    His speech is soft and gentle,

    He raises not his voice,

    Except to cry against the wrong,

    And then he has no choice.

    Never got a lot of learning

    From colleges and school,

    But he knows what is important

    And he’s sure nobody’s fool.

    For the knowledge he is given

    Is Eternal from above,

    He has no creed, except our Christ,

    No law but Sovereign Love.

    There was no great announcement

    To his lowly, humble birth,

    But to us he is the greatest man

    Who lives upon the earth.

    We count it more than privilege

    To know him as a friend,

    We cherish all he stands for,

    And will right to the end.

    He says he’s not a preacher,

    He’s modest as can be,

    But get him in the pulpit

    And it isn’t hard to see.

    He was foreordained a prophet,

    Let men call it what they will,

    God granted us great favor

    When He gave us Brother Bill.

        62-0422 – The Restoration Of The Bride Tree
        Rev. William Marrion Branham

  2. Thank you for the short Movie clips of Our Prophet Brother Branham with his family', Friends and Relatives ❤️ n all that were in his meetings.I Love Watching the home movies,I Just think Brother Branham went around the world for Our Lord Jesus 💕 seven times, What a sacrifice he did.Praise Jesus Amen.

  3. Thank you for taking this time to show us this awesome video of our Prophet William Branham, daughters, sons, and his dear wife Mida. I really enjoy seeing them. I only wish I could have had the privilege, and honor to have seen him and shake his hand. I often wonder if those around him really knew who was standing next to them. My pastor who had the privilege of meeting Brother Branham said, when ever you stood near him you could feel such a Powerful Anointing flowing from him. Who was that Anointing? It was the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ veiled in Brother Branham. My, my! How many shook the hand of Jesus Christ and didn't realize it. The Bible says, "Handle Me." Jesus Christ appeared in the fullness of the Holy Spirit in a body called William Branham to pull out a Bride from Laodicea, and place her in the Bride Age. Praise God! His coming will be as its written in Revelation 19. I thank God for opening my eyes, and ears to understand the difference of His appearing to His coming. I really thank God for His Amazing Grace to this final Age for sending His Prophet William Branham with the spirit of Elijah to bring us back to the Word, when there was so much confusion going on in every church. God veiled in the Prophet opened all Seven Seals, and revealed every mystery in the Bible. No more is the Bride blinded by these false anointed ones in the message. Yes, in the message. There is three kinds of believers that came out of there denominations. Unbelievers, make believers and believers. The believers believed all of what the Prophet William Branham said. Don't twist it, don't dislocate the Word of God. Say, and live what the Prophet William Branham said, and you'll see him in the morning. 🕊
    God bless you.


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