Grad student, Shay Dixon, returns home and finds that her alcoholic mother, Nona (Jill Scott,) has a completely transformed life in …


  1. Love this movie, I grew up with a hard drinking mother, she started drinking after she divorced my father when I was 8..he joined AA when I was 12 or13 … So I get the pain and fear of having mom gone on a bender … and the anger of a sober person not remembering what they put you threw … also the hiding you do emotionally from other people …Alcoholism is TOUGH.. THANK YOU FOR THISMOVIE❤

  2. When you're deeply hurt and it affects your life, it's hard to get over. Apologies don't cure years of hurt. It takes awhile to heal. Sometimes you have to heal away from that person and leave them alone. There are consequences for the choices we make.

  3. One doesn't have to spend the rest of time just "living around it"! There is true healing and moving beyond past hurts in life,… When we turn to The Great Physician He makes us WHOLE! 
    With not only healing, but even joy!
    Hallelujah! (S)

  4. That daughter was an ungrateful person throughout this movie. Ungrateful her mother got it together and had a home to bring her into, and ungrateful that she got pregnant from a man that WANTS TO STAY WITH HER AND RAISE THE BABY WITH HER. How many women WISH AND PRAYED they had that. I didn't like that about that woman. LOL (S)


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