1. Take this as a warning , it IS a MOCKING of Christians.. but take it as a warning… Believe in Jesus Christ, receive him as your Savior & repent of your sins & be Saved!

  2. For those who don’t understand: 7 years ago there was a solar eclipse that went like this / across the world. But there is gonna be a rapture that is gonna do the same thing but is gonna go this way and there is gonna be a rapture millions are going to disappear within a blink of an eye.

    Edit: nobody knows when it is so you better start praying and getting closer to god if you don’t want to be with satan.

  3. I must say I know he is because on the other Wednesday I was going to church until I saw a rainbow cloud and my mom said it looks like it has a cross in the middle of I and I saw it and it looked literally like a item 😮and then after that my dad says it might be because rainbows is gods symbol so if you think god isn’t gonna come back then there was proof 🙂 😅 so happy Easter though 🐣🐣🐣

  4. I’m sorry, but do we worship The Simpsons or God and if you believe in pre-rapture, you’re just as guilty as the devil leading people from true biblical knowledge, there is no rapture in there we’re going to see it for what it is that’s why there’s gonna be such a great fall away

  5. The rapture is a false teaching. Few Christians have done their homework and traced the roots of this doctrine. The secret rapture violates the rules of Scriptural Prophetic Interpretation. Go back and study prophecy by letting God’s Word interpret itself.

  6. The Rapture is a false, unbiblical and untraditional doctrine that should be rejected by all believers in Christ Jesus Our Lord and Savior. He reigns as King now on Earth in a symbolic millennium through the Holy Catholic Church.


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