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  1. When he was asked about whether gay people will enter into heaven, his answer solidified who this man was for me. We cannot keep depending on men-who say God sent them.

    The LORD say woe unto them who put their trust in man.

  2. Listen yo all those sheep baa-ing….there is no spiritual discernment in that congregation. Whether the alleged rumors are true ot not, if i was in that congregation I'd be very quiet observing, listening and discerning. Had they done that they wouldn't have missed his nervousness, crack in his voice or tembling hands. Sounded lije a scared man . Only time will tell exactly what he's afraid of.

  3. My phone has paused over a dozen times watching this video. It has never happened with any other video, my phone is brand new and I have YouTube premium. They maybe attempting to strike your channel as well. I appreciate your content and this topic in particular. I just wanted you to know

  4. This why God said in his word . ( Many are called , but FEW are chosen ) when call by God . He said put on the whole armor of God. God said the path is straight and narrow. YOU CAN'T SERVE TWO MASTERS.

  5. False SA accusations are very low percentages. 3% of all accusations. 4out of 10 boys and 6 out of ten girls will be sexually abused/assaulted by their 18th bday. It’s mostly step fathers and uncles and moms boyfriend. So I believe Cora’s husband did do it.

  6. Christians are supposed to follow Jesus's example. Jesus addressed lies and liars directly. Look at his conversations with the Pharasies. He called them a den a vipers and liars like their father the devil. Jesus didn't play when or pull punches when He was lied about.

  7. This congregation is definitely what one would call “sheep” and I pray that they are all forgiven for idolizing. TD Jakes should’ve had Sean Combs attending HIS CHURCH and not the other way around. He needs to explain what was he doing in the den of Sin.

  8. My mind went right to Eddie Long after hearing TD Snakes( as Gino Jennings calls him) addressing not addressing the issue When the head is sick it will flow down to the whole body when the pastor is in sin it will flow down to the members

  9. He was not going to address the allegations, but address it anyway. Jakes has had P Diddy, Baby Face and Oprah at his Mega Fest (Mega Mess) events which he hosted annually. You don't mix the sacred with the profane. Did you notice when Jake's spoke, it was women cheering him on?😢

  10. The guy in prison when he gets out I am sorry for the Jakes family what a bangerion . This story has a long ending Coleman has a lot to say😂😂😂I think he is praying and can't wait for the day to come they cannot looked in his face. Too much embarrassed. Scary..


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