Should You Go Watch "Jesus Revolution"?

“Jesus Revolution” is a new film about the so-called Jesus Movement in California during the late 1960s and 1970s. The film stars …


  1. I just love the humor you have about your inability to express and feel emotion. That end bit was just deadpan and hilarious. If someone didn't know you, I could see how they would miss it, but my years of watching your prior channel just made that part so funny that I was laughing out loud.

  2. @7:25 That IS NOT what the Pharisees were, that is another BOOMER LIE. Re-Read the NT and put look into Roman history it will make more sense: The Hebrews/Jews were always acting in bad faith towards God, they after all somehow became the Phoenicians as well (the baby sacrificers who Satanists base themselves off now). Anyways when Rome would conquer someone they would go in, examine your gods and then figure out what god that was in their pantheon (pay attention they do the same thing once they convert).

    When the Romans conquered the Greeks they got the Israelites who had already been taken down by the Macedonians earlier and when they went to examine the Jewish faith what Roman god did they think the jews worshipped? Surely the God of the OT is Jupiter (Zeus) right? Nope…the Jews had become so evil and blasphemous then that the Romans felt they worshipped Bacchus (God of Wine, orgies, etc). NOW all the parts where Jesus is tearing into the Pharisees will make a lot more sense and why God chose that specific time to return makes a lot more sense. It's not merely to come save the tax collectors or whores, it was God coming down to tell the Jews to get their act right and stop using legalism in the faith to find ways to sin. Even by that time Judaism had largely stopped trying to convert people as the OT commands and had become a religion of ethnicity much like it is now.

    Don't kid yourselves the Pharisees are more like the Kenneth Copelands, Rick Warrens, Hillsong, and Elevation crowd of now. They were not stodgy holy rollers the Boomers thought they were so wicked and evil they were already obsessed with profiting more than God, according to the Pagan Romans they got drunk and would have orgies in the temples, etc.

    Remember Jesus returned to save you from Himself, this isn't a love and hug time, it's a last warning before destruction. He spoke more of Hell than Heaven and do you really think the God who says to even think about sex with someone else is the same as cheating is just wanting a bunch of unrepentant sinners in? The Pharisees wanted Him dead because He was an end to their fun times and He called them out for it.

  3. While we should 100% celebrate the preaching of the true Gospel that leads to true conviction of sin & conversions of lost souls, (bringing them into a saving relationship with God)…People need sound doctrine, discipleship and discernment. Americanized (felt-needs, man-centered) Christianity is the norm in our culture. Music and Movies are mostly passive and feed into the consumer culture. Todd Friel at YouTube "Wretched" asks legit questions about The Chosen, Asbury Revival and this movie. Carry on.

  4. What this movie does in essence, is promote theologically unsound doctrine. Do your research and find out about calvary chapel and Lonnie Frisbee. Some of the historical facts may shock you!

  5. I read Chuck Smith's interview on how he felt when he first saw Lonnie Frisbee. He said there was an instant connection. These things are sort of miracles – a hippie-looking man of God connecting (in the first glance) with another man of God despite their outward differences. This does happen. But, these things were not shown in the movie as maybe the director/s thought that that would not make sense to the audience.

    Instead, the movie shows Smith arguing with Frisbee at long, mistrusting him. Which did not happen.

    So if shown in a right way, connections or subtle supernatural things can make sense to the audience – because that is what really happened.

    Then, I saw Frisbee's actual speech at a gathering & it was so graceful. But, only 1 line from that speech was taken in the movie dialog, and the rest of his speech was watered down. Why not stick to the actual speech that was so graceful??

  6. I'm of the opinion that Christians need to grow up and deal with the fact that God's world and word are R-rated, so the movies we make should (occasionally) be as well. But that's just me.

  7. A movie that glorifies a preacher who was a homosexual and a partying drug user (while preaching)?
    How is that not Satanic? Someone please tell me.
    Do I have bad info about Frisbee? I don't want to be a "Pharisee", but if what I've read and seen about Frisbee is correct, it's not just wrong, it's evil.

  8. I liked the movie and it’s message, but I had more of an issue with the way it portrayed Greg’s conversion. One minute he wasn’t sold, the next he surrendered everything. Faith tends to be more of an upward battle, and this portrayal seemed a bit shallow. I almost wish they would’ve covered a little less content and taken that time to strengthen Greg’s testimony. I get it though, trying to convey the whole movement in one film is pretty much impossible.

  9. I disagree with the reviewers comments about how they treated lonnie Frisbee. They whitewashed that Lonnie was Gay. They whitewashed that both Chuck Smith ( calvary chapel) and the Vineyard movement. The 2 groups that came out of the Jesus people movement rejected Lonnie because of his sexuality. John Wimbers 'poower evangelism came totally from Lonnie, another thing airbrushed out!

    It's also sad to note that both Calvary Chapel and Vineyard within 15 years of the Jesus people movement, had become standard bland powerless formal denominations. If you look at the 'statement of faith' of calvary chapel it's about as antichrist and unbiblcal as you can get and vineyard isn't far behind!

  10. Saw it and enjoyed it. I know what you mean about typical Christian movies. They almost need a paper toilet band that says, "Sanitized for your protection." I too realized there is a bit of me that wants to say, "hey, who let those people in here?" when someone who's appearance smacks of, "I'm not a regular attender and I don't intend to look like one." Another movie I'd recommend is Father Stu. You get to see what a redeemed mess looks like and grace through suffering with it.

  11. I’m a guy, and like a normal guy, I really, really don’t want to get emotional in public – not at a movie, not at anything. At the main baptism scene, I don’t think I’ve ever been as choked up at anything as I was then. I was crying, couldn’t help it, and crying hard. At the baptism scene. Go figure.


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