A majority of children have a smartphone by age 12, but many parents are now saying the easiest response to the question is “no.


  1. No kid should own tablets or phones PERIOD, NO. Once in a while and I do mean ONCE in a WHILE is ok to give them 30 minutes or an hour maybe 2 hrs in rare occasions but NO MORE. These things are ruining childhoods. My nephews don't want to play outside, they don't like going out and if they do they have to have their phones/tablets, they don't get excited about anything outside of their phones/tablets and they don't interact with anyone unless its through a tablet/phone online. This stuff is too much and parents are to blame for giving these objects to kids to baby sit them

  2. When can adolescents can put their phones down without doing class work and being at home playing with their brother and sister or just going outside. Going to library and getting a book. Communication skills without using cell phones.

  3. I'm willing to bet a large sum of money if a company came up with a feature phone, that's the actual name for not smartphones, marketed to parents who don't want their kids using smart phones, it would sell like hotcakes. XD

  4. As an 13 year old, I feel the same way as the 10th grader. Mostly my class can use their phones for school work in class and playing kahoot etc. I really don't want a phone but I got no choice :/


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