No matter where you stand on the topic of abortion, it’s a difficult and vulnerable conversation to have, and we want to give a shoutout to our cast for being brave enough to share their experiences in this episode ❤️
Ayala shared her own story and made her point so beautifully and kindly after Alexandra shared her experience, I enjoyed listening to both of them, fantastic women
Constance is extremely privileged and as a result comes off as very condescending viewing those without the same resources as lower than her. Jubilee please do a better job picking people we should not be platforming people like this.
This abortion issue will be here for our grandchildren. Its part of the ruling classes politics. Keep the little biatches (the 99%) fighting over abortion, guns, and race oh my.
at 2:30, the black girl who is pregnant, she is an activist, doesn't make money, gets money from her father…. and youre an adult who is about to have a family? Goodness….. shouldn;'t you depend on your husband?? This is embarrsssing
I always ask one question of any pro lifer that claims pro life based on religion. My question is this. Why should your religion get to dictate my medical choices?
I’ve seen a lot of these videos before and have noticed that many of them are screaming at each other when giving their views, and even though we all have different views on this touchy subject, my favorite part was to see this group of people just debating and have a discussion majority of the time instead of flat out screaming at each other
No matter where you stand on the topic of abortion, it’s a difficult and vulnerable conversation to have, and we want to give a shoutout to our cast for being brave enough to share their experiences in this episode ❤️
Alexandra was really eating them up fr
idk if i’m missing something but isn’t 5 weeks and 7 days jus 6 weeks or is it different when you are talking about pregnancy?
Ayala shared her own story and made her point so beautifully and kindly after Alexandra shared her experience, I enjoyed listening to both of them, fantastic women
These teenagers are more mature and measured than most adults I've seen on this channel.
Constance is extremely privileged and as a result comes off as very condescending viewing those without the same resources as lower than her. Jubilee please do a better job picking people we should not be platforming people like this.
“Pro Vs Anti Abortion Teens” also them putting adults straight out of hs w younger teens…
i feel like people are choosing to purposefully to miss the point at this point.
This abortion issue will be here for our grandchildren. Its part of the ruling classes politics. Keep the little biatches (the 99%) fighting over abortion, guns, and race oh my.
“I wouldn’t foster because I am not in the financial state-“
Point made.
10:48 “my parents were supportive” but then at 14:29 she says her parents didn’t know. What a liar lol
I haven't had sex yet because of my religion……sure….that's the reason.
at 2:30, the black girl who is pregnant, she is an activist, doesn't make money, gets money from her father…. and youre an adult who is about to have a family? Goodness….. shouldn;'t you depend on your husband?? This is embarrsssing
I would like to see pro abortion children/ preteens argue with adults on this matter.
Life begins at conception is the scientific position not a religious position
Ending human life is wrong period
The only logical position is abortion is not moral
Why is there men here?
Is it just me or does that girl with the purple lipstick and red hair look like Lock from Nightmare Before Christmas?
Alexandra is so incredibly well spoken
I always ask one question of any pro lifer that claims pro life based on religion. My question is this. Why should your religion get to dictate my medical choices?
I’ve seen a lot of these videos before and have noticed that many of them are screaming at each other when giving their views, and even though we all have different views on this touchy subject, my favorite part was to see this group of people just debating and have a discussion majority of the time instead of flat out screaming at each other
Constance is so shallow minded, it’s very sad to see how she puts down others
I am pro let you and your doctor decide your medical procedures and healthcare. I think it is just that simple ?
Constance is being dramatic with her language. It’s hard to converse with people like that. “violently ending the life,” like girl stop it.
Constance is being dramatic with her language. It’s hard to converse with people like that. “violently ending the life,” like girl stop it.
I find pro-lifers to be hypocrites. Its a woman's body and their choise.
Alexandra saying 5 weeks and 7 days ?