Should I date a Non-Christian?  #shorts

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  1. My first girlfriend was a Christian, and she turned out to be a nightmare. Being a Christian is the most important thing, but it's definitely not the only thing that makes someone right for you.

  2. NOOOOOO DO NOT DO IT!!!! I know from experience and it is terrible!!! But the thing is I thought he was a Christian but at the time I wasn't even a lukewarm Christian could've been considered cold but I was in high school at that time and not thinking straight. Anyway our relationship carried out after highschool and if I knew what I know now… There's no way I would've dated him!!! Nothing but heartache!!!

  3. My brother didn't date his now-wife until he had helped her understand the Gospel and convert to Christianity. After she was saved, however, my brother got the OK from God to pursue a romantic relationship with her.

  4. My fiance didn't believe in Jesus I prayed for 7 years before he accepted Jesus our father makes his way. Never loose your faith and belief in him that everything works for his good. We all battle problems and we aren't perfect but with prayer and fasting everything is possible. Remember no one is perfect so don't judge the ones struggling instead of judging pray for them that they find God and discover his love for them

  5. Only weak men have this problem, if you’re strong this is not an issue for you. And girls can’t date non Christian men; you need to be led by your husband where is the leading you?. Husbands, leave their wives where is he leading her?

  6. When I was 15, I decided to date a non-Christian. I met him at a Christian camp, and he said he was Christian, but clearly through his actions he was not. He had a bad history of someone who went by the title of Christian but really did not live it out. I felt like I was stepping on eggshells when I told him about Jesus an eventually stopped altogether. Then things really got bad, and I did stuff I regret. It took me a bit to realize I needed to break it off for the good of both of us. I always felt like if I did anything wrong his distaste for Christianity would be fueled, because he blamed all of my no's on it. Perhaps it ends well for some, but I can tell you, it is a very small percentage. It is very serious and I warn you not to get cocky like I did thinking I could change him. Only Jesus has that authority, we simply plant the seed. I am still praying for him.

  7. I just broke up yesterday 🙂 honestly the guy I've been dating was amazing we loved each other a lott we may be young for all this but we really did love each other he was the best boyfriend anyone could ask for but he was non christian. Idk for some days it was bothering me sm about dating him and i am also gonna get baptized soon idk why I wanted to end the happy us. And yes I did . He understood how i felt. He told me he was hurt that we were parting ways for small reason. He also told me not feel sorry and wished me luck. My heart's been hurting since yesterday hope i did the right thing.

  8. I think we try to convince ourselves that they’ll come around because of that strong initial attraction. Don’t get me wrong some do, but like he said it’s a recipe for disaster and heartbreak

  9. What if she is Christian but drinks, swears, listens to vulgar music and lies to her parents? I honestly don’t know. I feel like if I stop talking to her now, it will look like I just lead her on

  10. What about other religion my cousin got married to her long love and hes muslim shes chrostian, he makes her feel guilty the one time she went with the child to church and her mother inlawalways talks with the kid and when shes at work he takes the child to masjid to learn quran i guess and the kid actually called her a kafir i think thats an infidel. We thought thwy were going to give the kid the option to choose but dad keeps talking behind the myms back i guess shes still with him. Shes depressed but we all saw this coming

  11. Just the sum of my experiences to serve as a cautionary tale.
    I dated a Muslim girl for a while, she and I were a great match, scarily good, but when the conversation became about a wedding we both knew we were doomed. Think about raising kids, church on Sunday, do you get to raise them as Christians, school? Etc etc.
    her Dad never would have accepted her conversion and nor would I because it would just be a lie for pretense, and her Dad loved me enough to be okay with me, but it would have unsettled him I think to have non Muslim grandchildren.
    The other nail in the coffin was that sure sharing scripture was relatively easy, but I had to reserve my thoughts on Mohammad. I actually know his history quite well but Muslims cry when they ask me what I think of him…. I dated a Buddhist before for 5.5 years, if she will give up the statues, temples and eating blood (if it applies) you might have a chance so discuss it early…. Whatever you do, don’t marry faithless or anti-Christ’s, they will hate your love of GOD and resent the love he gives you and she will be Toxic of the super potent variety…. Ultimately, even finding a Christian or worse a ‘Christian’ is not a guarantee for success and I think Paul was right about being better off single, it then some years go by and 1 person changes your mind… take your chance on that person, whoever it is, but have the convo about raising children and that your faith is important to you before you sign a one way agreement ❤❤❤ good luck Christian’s I love you


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