Should Christian Teens Date in Highschool? | Daily Disciple #shorts

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  1. While I didn't date in highschool, you can still get in trouble with other things, which teens roll their eyes at.

    Also a lot of young teenagers I met have one reason, "I'm lonely." My guy, go to God and ask for godly friends. Your loneliness doesn't have one solution: girl/boyfriend.

  2. I do agree, but only to an extend. I also know super godly couples that started in highschool. There already was a level of maturity in them that made it work. They are married now.

    So I've seen mature 16 year olds, and immature 40 year olds. I think it's much wiser to truly learn how to listen to God a d recognize his voice so you can deduce what He wants you to do. I think that is better than creating these new "societal" standards (how well intended or even Christian as they may seen) that are supposedly lead the right way.

  3. Can you leave home get married support yourself a wife and a baby or two?

    If yes, you're ready to start dating.

    If no, you're not ready to start dating, the purpose of dating is to find your wife and start your family.

  4. Thank you so much for this. I had an opportunity to get into a relationship with someone but choose not to because I wasn’t ready and just felt really pressured by the guy(who was very sure of ‘us’ and emotionally dependent) and i felt really bad but i knew if i got into a relationship where i was not ready spiritually and mentally i’d be worse then i am now. Does anyone have any advice for figuring out when you’re ready to date and how to know if the person is the one God intends for you???

  5. Let us repent from our sins and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior one day we will face him and those who doesn't repent from there sins and didn't accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior would be sent to hell for he didn't want God so he will go to place where God is nowhere to be found but the good news is this Jesus has already died for you so you don't have to suffer hell  all you need to do is accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and repent from your sins you will be saved that Is the good news my friends that salvation is free thats all ask me if your confused at something God bless you

  6. Hold up i need help i accidentally entered a relationship and what,s worst is the girl isn,t even a Christian she says she is born again but she doesn,t act one idk what to do bro

  7. My high school sweetheart and I are still together, married now. We started dating my sophomore year. It’s been nearly 10 years and we dated for 6. Now he is about to be a youth pastor. If you truly keep following Christ and put Him first in the relationship, it can work.


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