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  1. I'm happy to hear the review for this film.
    I watched it and I must confess that it felt so real it didn't feel as though I was watching a film.
    It allowed me to feel the passion in what was being conveyed.
    It's amazing how God multiplies the rewards when we simply place full trust and exercise our faith in following His directions (our conviction).

  2. Please understand that I am not a troll. I was soundly born again 46 years ago and have studied the doctrines of Rome for several years and have found that Rome mixed the occult with Judaism with a thin vernier of Christianity. Their encyclopedia states that they have murdered 50 million "heretics" over the centuries while their council of trent states that if one believes that they can be saved by faith in Jesus Christ alone are anathema (damned as heretics). Their doctrines are always twisted and perverse and anthethetical to Biblical Christianity. We (me unfortunately also) were naive to the fact that this validates Rome as Christianity. We were deceived.

  3. I saw this movie years ago. It is as though you are there at the time. I will never forget the beating at the stump or the nails pounded in His hands and feet. To know scripture and see it come to life so vividly has made me relate even more.
    Breaks my spirit heart that my sin added to His stripes.
    I praise Him and love Him .
    He is above everything-

  4. AMAZING PRODUCTION! The LORD Certainly was involved in the Great Success of The Passion of The CHRIST’S Movie.
    His LOVE is still Pursuing People’s Hearts.


  5. This film, came closer portraying the terrible abuse that our Lord suffered than any other film, I’ve watched concerning the same subject….. it was brutal and inhumane what the Lord has suffered!!!….

    I worked with a man that said “ f o r be it to God to have a son”… meaning that ,God didn’t need a son!!!!!…….. of course He did not!!!….”(WE, did )….WE “have all sined and came short of the glory of God”…..WE, needed The (. perfect sacrifice)…. Without, spot., wrinkle, or blemish!!!”…..WE… needed the. Called Son of God.!!!…(JESUS)…. God in the flesh.!…… the only (one worthy to be the lamb of God!!!!)…. The only ONE !!!…..( the only LORD and SAVIOR. ….)…” the true God.!!!”… in flash ,crucified, died, was resurrected, and lived, and lives forevermore!” This same God will return again and the clouds of glory, To call his bride, the Saints of God!!! To forever be in the presence of GOD in HIS kingdom , “where there is no shadow, throughout eternity!!!!! “❤❤❤ I’ll tell you for sure,that,

    (It pays to live for God )…. It pays to receive the salvation of God. we must be born again to enter in the kingdom of God! John3:5… we must be reborn again to enter the kingdom of God!… in the book of Acts 2: 38. Tells us how to be reborn ed again ,”repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus christ for remissions of sin, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost , which is the spirit of God ..❤ …. (there is no other place in the Bible, where it gives us the plan of salvation.,)….!!!!
    The scriptures declare that “ Jesus is the only name given under heaven, whereby we must be saved “…. “Do everything in word and deed, in the name of Jesus!…..”… this is scripture. Look it up for yourself may you receive true salvation of God?❤❤❤ our hope!!!!!

  6. This film, came closer portraying the terrible abuse that our Lord suffered than any other film, I’ve watched concerning the same subject….. it was brutal and inhumane what the Lord has suffered!!!….

    I worked with a man that said “ f o r be it to God to have a son”… meaning that ,God didn’t need a son!!!!!…….. of course He did not!!!….”(WE, did )….WE “have all sined and came short of the glory of God”…..WE, needed The (. perfect sacrifice)…. Without, spot., wrinkle, or blemish!!!”…..WE… needed the. Called Son of God.!!!…(JESUS)…. God in the flesh.!…… the only (one worthy to be the lamb of God!!!!)…. The only ONE !!!…..( the only LORD and SAVIOR. ….)…” the true God.!!!”… in flash ,crucified, died, was resurrected, and lived, and lives forevermore!” This same God will return again and the clouds of glory, To call his bride, the Saints of God!!! To forever be in the presence of GOD in HIS kingdom , “where there is no shadow, throughout eternity!!!!! “❤❤❤ I’ll tell you for sure,that,

    (It pays to live for God )…. It pays to receive the salvation of God. we must be born again to enter in the kingdom of God! John3:5… we must be reborn again to enter the kingdom of God!… in the book of Acts 2: 38. Tells us how to be reborn ed again ,”repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus christ for remissions of sin, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost , which is the spirit of God ..❤ …. (there is no other place in the Bible, where it gives us the plan of salvation.,)….!!!!
    The scriptures declare that “ Jesus is the only name given under heaven, whereby we must be saved “…. “Do everything in word and deed, in the name of Jesus!…..”… this is scripture. Look it up for yourself may you receive true salvation of God?❤❤❤ our hope!!!!!

  7. We can only imagine the pain felt by Jesus, he and our father in heaven both had to go through the most awful things & was all done for the human race of sinners. We can't forget that it is the most holy action done by any man but also try to imagine giving up your only perfect holy son to save mankind, that is the most compassionate noble and holy thing that could ever be done besides what Jesus did. That is why we should all have unbreakable faith & try our best to do God & Jesus' will while we are here on earth.

  8. Thank you my dear Saviour, Jesus Christ, for dying for my sins so they can be forgiven. Thank you Mel Gipson for making this movie. Hope lots of people have open their eyes to see the true . Looking forward for the Christ resurrection film.


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