1. I just want to ask Bishop Ojedepo how can one be a friend to some one and not love the person? I thought it is other way round like this :I like you but I don't love you. No wonder Nigeria is tearing apart

  2. hmmmm. but TBJ showed everybody love whether poor, rich, widow, president, governors, ambassadors, muslims. A lot of poor people in the Church looking for small money to start business.

  3. It shock the whole world that a man who called himself man of God have enemy and even say to the whole world that he cannot be friend to everyone, well i pity the members anyway God said not everyone that says my God my God will enter into the kingdom of God.

  4. You guy keep watching these useless pastors that uses their pulpit for blasphemy, God will judge each of them soon.what nonsense is this man talking about,I pity this man leading all these members to hell,then he's not a man of God

  5. Who ever refused to recognize your God avoid them(Oyedepo)🤔🤔🤔Love everyone even if they don't share the same faith with you…. Love them all (Tb Joshua) 🤔🤔🤔🤔A word to a wise…..!

  6. I am Togolease living in Togo TB J thought us love like Jesus he loved all people he thought us to love even our ennemies and show mercy…this man oyedipo is simply a business man …I will not say Much because Joshua thought us not to juge men of God or else it chose we're not link with heaven Oyedipo is just confession his weakness period shameless private jet owner , upon as old as he is still preaching out of gread …he's walking and talking with force because like of strenght TB J was his and will still remain on that has never exist in generations…how I wish I can send an audio to this loose and weighless men of God around the Glob none of them can never be buried and celebrate like Joshua…point finale et merci beaucoup 🧚‍♀️💦🧚‍♀️🌈

  7. You can't pretend to love Jesus you never see and said you love all but you're not their friend Jesus was friend even with tax collector and prostitute and the woll world best friend … vous faite la honte des ministère shameless old foolish guyman of ministries😂😂💥

  8. 15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers.

    16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.

    17 I have been able to open the minds of mankind to understand that the Bible, although it is the Word of God, cannot save anyone. Before me, no man on earth knew this, not even William Branham who kept saying that his absolute was the Bible. And by this end-time Message, I will lead many members of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism to God.

    18 And when I must bring a new revelation, I carefully check everywhere that no one has said it before me, and I often say, "What I am going to say, if someone said it before me, I don't know." And you plagiarists, why don't you do that too?

    19 When you say, "The Bible is a history book… You can't be saved by a dead prophet… You are saved by a living prophet… Whoever dies in a religion goes to hell… There are four ministries… I am the only true prophet on earth and no one can be saved unless by me, … ", you must say that it was Kacou Philippe who said it, otherwise it's plagiarism. When I revealed these things in 2002, no one had ever revealed them before me. This language was new. And the plagiarists did not exist and the hyenas and tattooed animals of Africa did not exist.

    20 God cannot send a prophet to come and plagiarize what another prophet is saying. And how can a true prophet plagiarize a false prophet? And you who are running away from public confession to follow the plagiarists, shame on you! And when your plagiarists speak, you know very well that they have plagiarized the Message of Prophet Kacou Philippe but you say "Amen" to them. How dishonest you are!

  9. I love all minsters but I can't be friends with all Ministers. He then illustrated and said he can't be a friend to anyone talking down about Nigeria badly. Which can also means anyone talking down abt the body of Christ. How do this relate with TB. Joshua. Why do u people take things out of context and allow others to commit sin. In the presence of claiming allegiance to any pastor. You love everybody. Is it everybody that is your friend? Anyone who is in this comment section talking down on what he said need deliverance. He has never spoke bad about any church but pray for the church.


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