Apostle Joshua Selman gave a powerful insight and revelation on pre and post creation. ▻Video original and produced …


  1. You preachers why do you confuse your followers? According to the bible, Adam was the first man to be created by God. I am now shocked hearing from the preacher that Adam was not the first man to be created by God. Terrible teaching!!

  2. Adam is the first man from the dust of the earth

    Man comes from the earth
    You will never find anywhere in the bible where it says that, God formed a man before Adam


    We may talk about other beings before Adam but the question is, are we talking about SPIRITUAL BEINGS or EARTHLY BEINGS ?

  3. Isokuso. And he'd be saying it with zeal and passion. Many of these folks still need to be under people to be taught. But unfortunately, we're in a society where people like them are made heads over people. Smh

  4. You want to know when a so-called pastor is preaching a false message? They talk a lot without giving the Book, Chapter and Verse. Just count for how long he talked without giving a specific scripture to support his claim.

    Now let’s permit Bible to speak for itself.

    1 Corinthians 15:45-47
    45   And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.
    46   Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.
    47   The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.

    How do we know if there were not 10? Even if they were 10 or 1000 there won’t be men as in human. How do I know? Again let’s permit scripture to speak;

    John 4:24
    God is a Spirit: …

    Luke 24:39
    Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.

    When God created, who helped him?

    Genesis 1:26-27
    26   And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion…

    The problem is they don’t read further. Let’s read the verse 27.

    27   So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

    So God created man in HIS (not their) own image.

    in the image of God created he him (Created HE them, not created them him)

    male and female created he them (HE them)

    Isaiah 44:24
    Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;

    People, study the scriptures yourself and don’t just blindly believe everything you are told. A genuine man of God is fallible and can give wrong interpretations and preach false doctrine through ignorance for “we know in part”.

  5. Greetings Our People our Brothers & Sister our Eledas & Agbalabas

    I Come in Clarity of The Spirit, the Father, The Son, can see & sit well He's Holy people who know & trust the true Nature of the Characters Lucifer an Son of Morning Star & the Characters known as Jesus christ "Son of God" born of son of man through Mary..Made in the image Templar of our God but not our God not Made nor Born the Same As an Angel or as the 1st Mediator between Heaven & Earth Archangel Lucifer
    As you may know the Church Is the Ministry and The Ministry Is the House of LAW to a PHD° Periodic Law

    🟦Electron maybe Blue & are like Acids⬆️
    🟩Protron maybe Green & Alkaline are usually organic
    🟥Neutrons maybe Red & like Alcohols & bad Spirts can be very toxic to the body and mentality.

    Where the altered narrative Scripture mentions the name of Father, The Son and Holy spirit, Not to mistake Praise & Glory with Sin & Excution, Teason & falsehood, in the wrong Name, Our Father Noah and he's 3 Sons are responsible for majority of mankind today, Africa is the Land of Cush the Land of the Alpha☀️Khan and Every ⬆️Holy Spirits can not deny our Father True Son O'Sanya O'Sane O'pollo O'Sirius O'Lucifer Son of Morning bright Star, You haven't even spoken I your defense and already that which Biblically claimed & accused you were guilty of Jesus has Already Committed without even being worthy of Our Father Praise…or Our God's Praise…

    While we live in Jesus's parallel government of Dog inreplacement of God & God's Angels make no mistake.

    Amen. May God Bless those who understand and realise & do good. May he open the eyes completely those yet to realise Scripture.

  6. The boble was not written by God but the inspiration was/is from God hence there is a high possibility that some recordings were not captured by those who were recording. Remember that somehow the bible was used to colonise some minds not necessarily for heavens sake but for self enrichment, i therefore agree with the man of God that Adam might not the first man because from where im standing according to scripture not everthing is recorded in the bible.


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