Sharing the truth in love Video Credits: Pastor David Ibiyeomie Source : Salvation Ministries Int’l Disclaimer This video contains …


  1. Hello my brother. Yes its a similar practice – a lot of traditional worship mixed in w the marine. Predominantly the spiritual works are done with water. Which is why they're in all white. White is the appropriate color to wear when doing spiritual works with water. Sacrifices of animals are often made in the water by prophets and priests from these sects

  2. It is really the same practice of mixing traditional worship with some elements of Christianity. But nevertheless we charge people with love not hatred. Imaging pastor saying the word "I hate them", what can you use to justify such act before Jesus tha you hate certain people. To me that is self-righteousness. I hate their act but not them

  3. Well, time will tell. I just pray the Lord's will prevail in all we do. Ministry is a very wide space as no man can monopolize the Sovereignty of God and the power of His Christ. When he said, white garment church, I think he needs to explain the particular white garment church he is talking about. With all due respect to him, over 80% of their members still attends night vigils at white garment churches. With all due respect to Pastor Ibiyomie, he is expected to propagate love and unity in the body of Christ as a leader of repute, not hatred. No wonder the revival still tarries. May I tell everyone here that the love and unity in the body of Christ supercede our personal opinion or experiences. It is very wrong and fallacious to generalize ur personal experiences because things didn't turn out the way to wanted. I hope our pastors and church leaders will learn to practice what they preach and stop propagating their selfish and personal experiences in place of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Shallom.


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