1.DEATH of BISHOP BENSON IDAHOSA 2.What God Said Happened. what he did on the day he DIED. #GOD #Bishop Benson …


  1. Why would a man of God call his wife the devil and that she should be the one to die, should he not love his wife? It's unfortunate that women are treated like this. If it's true he made heaven, then praise God. I have heard other people's prophecy that he went to hell.

  2. Prophetess, thanks so much for this incontrovertible revelation which you have delivered from the Throne of Grace. The truth is that nothing is hidden in the spirit realm and more so that you are relaying what God is speaking to you. Grace of salvation can only be received through repentance, repentance and repentance and God is faithful and will forgive. May the Almighty God increase your anointing for more work in His vineyard in Jesus mighty anointed name Aameen

  3. I just came across your YouTube page and I have be listened to your prophecy and I feel so deep with the Holy Ghost but my problem now is I want God to open my eye and see beyond the physical I am very ready to serve God and follow him ❤️💯I believe God


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