Shirley Caesar | Best Songs Of Shirley Caesar | Gospel Playlist

Shirley Caesar | Best Songs Of Shirley Caesar | Gospel Playlist Shirley Caesar | Best Songs Of Shirley Caesar | Gospel Playlist …


  1. I thank God for wake us up listening to shirtey Caesar songs that lifted me up every time I listen to her and Happy Mother Day to all the Mother and we will all way be Mother to each and other people in our life so please do 💕 all the Mother in the world and be bless.

  2. Shirley Caesar has been a mentor to me ever since i was 11 years old I have listened to her music and That's what's kept me going through life's ups and downs she is a true inspiration to me and i will always keep her music playing and with me at all times

  3. I'm so grateful to be able to go back to the old songs that my grandmother used to listen to while she cleaned the house to give me my peace I miss my grandmother so much but Shirley Caesar she give me everything that I need from God as my angel


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