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  1. Hey, Dr. Taylor Marshall 😇😊! Shia also played Keanu Reeves’ apprentice in the movie “Constantine” in 2005! Maybe Shia is trying to be a real-life exorcist because he can’t be a priest lol 😆

  2. So what if Shia is or was a strange person and a former bad guy, have no doubt his conversion is real. Doesn't the Bible say " whoever is in Christ has become a new creation"? The Lord is going to use him in a mighty way. Congratulations ShiaLa Beouf welcome home. We love you for sharing your powerful story Holywood needs you!

  3. Bishop Barron? The confused preacher and part time heretic? Oh please. But perhaps it is not completely his fault: a feeble victim of the woke "theology" formation. Akin to Bultmann? A good theme for a PhD thesis.

  4. Hi Dr.Taylor Marshall !
    Good morning from Australia & just Come Home from Mass at St Augustine's church Coffs Harbour . His Feast Day today & Patron Saint of our Church ! Father Joe ,one of three Indian Carmelite Priest in our Parish ! And Did He give an Amazing Sermon on Saint Augustine !
    Just thought U may Love to know this !
    A Great Talk Sir ,& Thank U ! Just Beautiful to hear Good Catholic men talk & Enlighten us more in our Faith & the Church ! Always grateful to U for all U do for Catholics & anyone willing to listen .
    God bless U & all your Family !

  5. I'd go see this movie! We haven't gone to see a movie in more than 10 years. I hope it is a big success as nothing ever before. St. Padre Pio is one of my top 4 favorites. Including Mary, Our Blessed Mother & St. Joseph.
    I so miss the traditional mass from before the 60's. I pray we return to it soon

  6. "

    How can we lead more people into the healing warmth of the Catholic Church?"
    By stopping continually plugging books/courses/merch/subs/likes. The Catholic faith is NOT a business, although it might seem like it to the endless you tubers who use it to plug their wares. When I listen to a "Catholic" (I use the term loosely) who spends most of the video promoting their stuff, I do two things. 1. I deliberately avoid buying any of their wares, and 2. Do not visit their channel again.
    So the answer to your question is, leave the leading people to the Church to the humble and genuine people who promote nothing but the faith.

  7. “A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints” He was in that too & that movie was the best portrayal of ever scene on the silver screen of what it was like to grow up in NYC during the 70’s & 80’s.

  8. Taylor, that’s also my favorite Indiana Jones movie & that’s my favorite scene as well! I really like when Sean Connery goes on about the “armies of darkness..marching across the face of the Earth”. Cool stuff.

  9. I want to TESTIFY to the Lord's goodness and faithfulness and Mother Mary's…a year ago in June 2021, a dear friend of mine got covid. He was in the hospital for 2 months, on & off the ventilator, suffered a stroke, lost 30 lbs…he had to learn to walk, talk, swallow, sit, stand….all the things we take for granted DAILY. I fought DAILY, prayed the rosary, told Satan to go back to the pits of hell, in Jesus's name! He was completely healed!! PTL ❤ Even the doctors said only 7% of people with covid survive what he did….Jesus is REAL!! Pray & NEVER give up! Pray for an end to abortion, and end to corruption and pray for our police and military and firefighters and their families….🙏😘❤

  10. Taylor you are Dr Marshall you are never “preachy” when conveying God’s message! Thank you for your work in keeping the Latin Mass and tradition alive! Your videos give me tons of information and incentive to research to learn more!

  11. Shia interview with Bishop Barron says; the Latin Mass affected him deeply. When Bishop Barron asked why? Shia answered: " because it doesn't feel like their trying to selling me a car." The Novus Ordo doesn't bother me, and my parrish doesn't get crazy with the P&W, we have very angelic singers, which is nice. But since the covid, we don't drink from the Communion cup, nor do I think that it will ever comeback. I usher the ten o'clock Mass and it drives me crazy when people stand in the back, and there is seats available. To much talking, really?!


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