The life and works of 19th-century circuit rider Robert S. Sheffey. Director: Katherine Stenholm Writer: Tim Rogers (screenplay) (as …


  1. What a wonferful movie ! It made me discovered our Brother Robert Sheffey. Such a moving story of an apostle of Christ, never to be forgotten. His last words in this movie are now coming true to a full extent : rejection of God and Christ from homes, schools and governments. The chastisement announced by Jesus in Matthew 14 in now at hand. Let us stick to Christ's words. Time is short, very short indeed…

  2. Nobody has ever been saved by giving their life to Christ.

    That is bartering your life for salvation.

    That is a Satanic counterfeit gospel of faith plus works equals salvation nonsense.

    We are saved because He gave His life for us and we trust Him alone for salvation.

    Jesus is Lord God Almighty clothed in unsinful humanity and He is the author of eternal life to all who trust Him alone for salvation.

    Saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation.

  3. I really liked this movie, but it was the last speech of Mr. Sheffey to the boy that burnt down the campground is what I LOVED THE MOST IN THIS WHOLE MOVIE. Thanks for the upload.

  4. He didn't even spend time with them and he left again what kind of man is that God allows you to go but you got to spend time with your family got to love that too and the work of God

  5. And it is true the prayer was taken away from school no prayer and from the games from school games no prayer when they ate at school like when I was going to school with pray we prayed at the beginning of the school everyday before school started and then we said the Pledge of Allegiance but all the prayer has gone the devil has took in that from the schools the people that were atheist removed it from our schools and from prayers from the games from the football games from the baseball games from basketball games they have prayer to but no not anymore but atheist and did away with it

  6. May 2022, What Brother Sheffie spoke of at the end of the movie has come to pass at this time in my life. I believe that sometimes you have to go back to the basics of what it means to be a believer who reads the Bible and on your knees pray.
    Pray for the Souls who are lost. Pray for the children now having to pay for the Sins of their Father’s. Recently 19 children were gunned down in their Elementary School. I know in my heart ❤️ they are home with Jesus. Jesus loves the little children of world ?
    Red and yellow, black and white they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the children of the World ✝️✝️

  7. The beauty of everything is gradually going away!
    the beauty of the Gospel, the beauty of the women ( their dresses), and the beauty of the earth are all falling away.
    evolution is foolishness!
    Nothing is getting better!
    This earth will soon pass away.
    You better hold on to Jesus Christ!
    He never changes!

  8. I just happened on this movie by chance, or maybe the Lord led me to it.
    I had never heard of Mr. Sherry before, until I saw this movie!
    The final minutes tells us that if Christians fail to speak up, Christianity
    Will disappear from The United States of America. This may be in our near future.
    If just ONE generation allows to die to Christianity, then Christianity will
    Be no more!!
    Christian people MUST stand up for Jesus. I pray that many will do this,
    And keep Christianity alive in America! May many Believers see this movie, and get to work!!!

  9. My Faith is Strengthened…my Heart is heavy though, I See and Hear the echos of deception and delusion, Yet He Is Strong and Bright in our Future…He calls US with a Love we long for and Nourishes our Earthly bodies with Inspiration to Move Mountains and embrace the most delicate Joy and Laughter of a child…as We are ALL Children of God Unto Jesus Christ. He Works Through the Righteous.
    Amen and God Bless.

  10. Such Love!

    I've heard that some believe in, that because You're the Son of Elohim,
    You suffered less,
    during Your distress.

    But then, they completely forget,
    that You're the Son of man, yet;
    Which learned obedience through all Your sufferings,
    but always without any sins!

    Thank You, Lord, that during Your life down here, You stood against all kind of temptation,
    to prepare a way for my salvation!

    I'm so grateful for those precious Words in the garden of Gethsemane,
    in the middle of Your agony ;
    "Abba Father….not as I will, but as You will!"

    Nobody took Your life, Lord,
    but You gave it freely,
    went through all the pain, scorn and slaughter,
    because You love us dearly!

    How can I ever comprehend such Love, which eternal life did bestow?!
    All I can do, is believe and receive,
    forever praise Your Name ; which
    salvation for me became!


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