This Nigerian Nollywood movie is about a school girl whose dreams and aspirations was cut short due to an unwanted pregnancy …


  1. Wicked cousin set up the poor girl, Bible tell you about family…not to trust not even very own family, this girl have her dream ahead of her Nd make the poor girl suffering in tears 😭my goodness, weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning I believe God will punish you it shall never be well with you teacher..see poor girl selling water this bring tears 😭 to my eyes 👀

  2. So am I understanding this correct that teacher in school are forcing children into relationship that is so shameful that is the reason these children or so grown. Ah no child should be put in such trauma

  3. Psalm Maverick Warsheep


    The Devil’ Undiscerning Fool Is After Your Mind, Body, Soul, Senses, Discernment, Decisions, Family (Destiny And Purpose)

    The Bride Of Christ) Testimony & Justice To God’s Word. Execute Judgement On My Occult & Ex Family Members Enemies & Their Children’s Heads

    The Bible Is The Greatest Book Ever Written. God Is The Greatest Mind & Thinker To Ever Exist In Space And Time. I Stayed 8 Days In A Psychiatrist Hospital, An Occult Conspired To Attempt To Make Me Mad,Through Psychic Attacks & Mind Control (Divination) Due To My Mind, Discernment, Destiny And Purpose. God Prove (s) His Word To Be True. I Was Never Mad. My Enemies Will Pay & All Their Generations, NHS, Institutions, The Government,The Church,Zandile, lSithabile, Vunganai, maMoyo, The Nigerian Woman Everyone Involved. I Never Had To Take Any Medication. I Testify To The Bible & Worship A True God Of All Creation. I’m Nothing Without The Holy Trinity.

    I hope you’re doing well. I kindly request that you come In Agreement , lStand In The Gap & Intercede Claim God’s Will To Be Done In Our Lives On Behalf Of Our Bloodline, Ancestors,Us & Future Generations To Done According His Word & Practically & Prophetically Unconscious & Consciously (To Manifest). On behalf of our of Half of Our Minds , Destiny & Purpose, Virtues Marriages, Salvation, Families,Children,Relationships, Divine Helpers, Daily Encounters,Colleagues, Gifts, Friends, Teeth, Associates, Neighbours, Communities,Cities, Time,Animals,Creations, Nations, Africa, UK,EU Careers, Work, Employment, Anointing Oil,Pregnancy, Menstrual Cycles, Responsibilities & Commitments, Organs, Bible Study, Worship, Prayers, DNA, Genes, Health, Hair, Hands, Feet, Emotions, Senses, Body, Leaders, Habits, Home,Spiritual Gift, Healing, Fasting, Covenants, Sacrifices, Offerings,Disposition, Character, All Prayer Requests, Names, Social Media, Bills, Wedding Day, Debits, Bankers Favour, Property & Belongings, Plans, Seasons, Words, Blessings, Grace, Mercy, Media, Music, Standing The Gap, Interceding, Nations The Government , Immigration, Human Rights, Leaders, the Church, Work, NHS, Doctors, Nurses, Influences, Health Care Assistant, Intellect, Consciousness, New Age, Law, Businesses, Business Partners, Clients, Business Dealings,Social Services, EDF, The Gym, Lewisham Hospital,Maudsley Hospital, Ruskin Ward, Hospitals, Mental Institutions,

    Revenge | Vindication | Redemption | Restoration All Our Generations According To The Bible

    Divine Revelation | Knowledge | Wisdom | Discernment | To Test The Spirits | Direction

    Zandile, Sithabisile & Vonganai the Woman From the Gym, maMoyo, Entumbani prayer band to be exposed, Network, Strongman, Strongholds, judged, persecuted and destroyed and their generations

    Destory All The Works Of Devil In Our BloodineTake Authority,Renounce, Bind & Destroy Loose Ungodly Covenants From Altars From Father & Mother’s House And Altars From Outside, Institutions, Governments, Nations Businesses, Catholic Church, Rome, Vatican, False Teaching & Doctrine & Close Doors Jezebel Spirit, Monitoring Spirits, Familiar Spirits, Python Snake, Rulers In High Places, Principalities, Blood Sacrifices , Evil Dedication, Sacrifices, Weight, Rituals, Strongman, Strife, Spirit Husband & Wife, Lack Of Protection, Soul Ties, Stolen & Wrong , Identity, Lack Of Intervene Strongholds, Clothes, Car, Accidents. Dedication, Witchcraft, Evil, Divination, Anti Christ, Evil Names, Evil Intentions, Sorrow & Pain, Strangers, Evil Manifestation, Womb Covenants, Python Spirit, Deposit, Plantation Marine Spirits, Evil, Mental Illness, Midnight & Ungodly Hours Evil Attacks , Fasting, Spirit man Attack Isolation, Persecution, Backsliding, Moon & Sun Sacrifices Dedications & Rituals , Yokes , Bondages, Gym, Training ,Fitness Power, Burdens, Dead People, Mental Institutes, Evil Rejoice, Idols, Adultery, Clients, Business Partners, Delay, Weakness, History, Cognition Function, Insecure, Bad Habits, Teeth, History, Defer, Strongman & Strongwoman Evil Agendas | Halloween | Discernment, Theft, Loss, Discerning Of Spirits, Evil Calendar, Oppressors& Suppression Witchcraft | Ahab | Laziness | Distraction | Birthdays Commitment Sleep & Slumber | Teeth, Prophetic Witchcraft | Time | Stolen Spiritual Gifts, Hair, Hindrances | Psalm Maverick Warsheep | Legal Cases, Tormenting, Social Media Communities | Trends | Philosophies | Rome | America | Policy | Free Will | Travelling | Wounds, Stagnation | Security | Hospital | Medication | Fear | Anxiety | Spirits,Consciousness, UnConsciousness Manipulation To Our Discernment , Voice ,Friendship, Marketplace, Projects, Assignments, Generational Curses & Curses, Hidden Enemies, Evil Patterns, Media Resources, Divine Helpers, Unemployment, Economics Marketplace, New Seasons, Relocations, Immigration, Ethnicity, Principalities, Rulers In High Places, Python Spirit , Evil Dreams, Barrenness, Pharaoh, Goliath Children ,Womb Transferable Spirits, Redemption Health, Bitterness, Anger, Parents, Evil Voices, Evil Gatherings, Psychic Powers/Attacks, Organs, Blood, Burning 🔥 Favour, Blessings, Inheritance, Finances, Careers, Emotions, Work, Breakthroughs, Point Of Contact,Incubus & Succumbs , Nature, Trees Land, Water Daniel, Intellectual Property, Writing, Thoughts, Imagination Deliverance, Ambition, Dreams & Visions, Future Oriented, Overlooked, Lack Of Marriage, Lack Of Fruit The Spirit , Poverty, Lack Of Creativity & Expression, Systems, Wars, Banks, Technology Rivalry, Competition, Success, Education, Praying, Reading & Studying The Bible, Understanding, Sabotage, Marines Spirits, Strife, Arguments, Jealous, Hate ,Envy, Retaliation, Revenge, Ignorance, Disagreement Demonic Possession, Limitations, Restriction, Evil Foundation, Not Going To Church, Excuses, Substance Abuse & Violence, Spirits Children, Untimely Death, Sexual Morality, Ancestral & Territorial Spirits Programming, Destiny & Purpose, Generational Curses & Curses, Virtues Destroyers, Stealers, Exchange ,Manipulation & Control

    Psalm 139,1,18,23,27,35,55,69,73,91
    Deuteronomy 28
    Psalm 23
    Psalm 35
    Psalm 91
    Psalm 68 vs 5
    Psalm 127:3-5
    Matthew 18
    Matthew 6
    Matthew 26, 27,28
    Isaiah 9
    Galatians 5 vs 22
    Romans 8, 12
    Proverbs 1 vs 7
    Matthews 19 vs 14
    Proverbs 17 vs 6
    3 JOHN 1 vs 4
    Ezekiel 22
    Jeremiah 1:5
    Ephesians 5:1-2
    Joel 2 vs 28
    Romans 8:27-29
    1 Corinthians 2:11
    Psalm 127 vs 3

    God Bless

    In Yeshua’s Name Amen 🙏🏿

    Thank You

  4. what a great movie with many lessons, be careful who you call your cousin or close friend because they may be the one to hurt you the most. and also keep your head up because tomorrow belongs to God. your situation is temporary, God has the final word. getting pregnant is not the end of the world. Sarah Jakes got pergnant at 13!! and yet she is one of the powerful preachers and educated woman


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