Comedian Heather McDonald made a distasteful joke about Jesus, and then something quite shocking happened. Ray Comfort …


  1. God is a wrathful deity not a loving deity and another thing that confuses me about the modern day Christian is why did God send his first born son to cleanse us of all our sins but yet we still have to pray for salvation if you wash a plate after dinner and then it is clean when will it get dirty again it just doesn't make any sense either your soul is been cleansed of all sin therefore no sin is accountable no more or you're just cleansed for that day which was over 6,000 years ago it's Christians who need to keep their story straight and not cherry pick from the Bible so until they stop cherry picking most people are going to mock this crap

  2. Jeshua is Mohammed..
    We do never curse another no matter what our brethrens say against us.
    All is Cause n Effect.
    Universal Law can't be stopped not even by my Husband..
    We don't hurt all our precious children. We let them understand to REspond, don't REact..we love laughter..comedy is Soul Cleansing..pls Laugh Daily..pls laugh Constantly..we love you..We do not punish.. we do not judge..I'm Lways at the Gatea Waiting to hug each of You my Precious Lil will be glad to Be home..

  3. Living Waters, I got this vid from my friendly youtube's recommend-bot. I was aware of this trauma, and a number of almost identical "live & on-air" events that occurred just after the first batch of booster shots were released and people were told by "the science" to get them quick while still hot, fresh and untested. That's actually the basis for the lame joke she was making when the collapse occurred. Other on air events were physically identical.

    It doesn't resemble a fainting episode, where the person has fractions of a second to use arms and hands to protect their head. These are abrupt, snap-your-fingers seizures where the affected literally topple like a cut tree and show no self protective instinctive actions at all. The point is that I do appreciate that you believe there's a link between cause and effect here. There is, as you and I and anyone wants to establish who has moral, or medical, or other concerns. But none of us are able to do anything other than personally perceive a link between these events and other significant elements occurring in these peoples' lives, even if it's obvious to us that the hand of God is clearly visible.

    It's just not possible to establish a valid link with the limited information we have and the non-sterile environments not being able to support this type of test as "valid". Your work is important, and you should be concerned that your work be taken seriously. But a contemporary academic (atheist, zealot, Christmas & Easter, or just a crank) would turn your work into lawn mulch if you claim that a link can be shown by this evidence. Thanks, keep the faith.

  4. Ray: what do you call someone who steals?
    girl: um…a stealer?
    Ray: no, they're from Pittsburgh.

    that's actually a pretty clever comeback for a low-watt bulb like Ray Comfort.

  5. There's only two commandments: Love they Father with Heart, Soul and mind; and Love thy neighbor as thy self. You won't be judged on the "Ten Commandments" but only on Two Commandments as stated above. There is a lot more than is presented in this video to receive the salvation from the narrow path.


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