A.A. Allen casting out demon from a woman who had a call to the ministry. A Christian.


  1. I always thought you had to ask the demon his name before he would come out that you can cashing out I got his name you don't have any power over him that's what I've always been heard and told that maybe that's not true I don't know I'm going to have to look it up in the Bible to see

  2. A demon just came for him and he's wasting time talking to the tv and trying to convince people he's real. What a joke, how did the demon only talk on demand not when the preacher talked. Lol worse script ever! Very obedient demon, demons are easy to defeat thanks for this I don't know why we fear them there nothing but chawawa's!

  3. Yer Coming out or I'm Coming in there to take you out. Haha
    If that were me, I'd say Shut up devil, I didn't give you permission to speak

  4. I was a grand mal epileptic until the day I accepted Jesus. Then I was able to throw away my kepra seizure medication and have not had a seizure in 9 years or so. Jesus does still heal today. I think it is unwise to let demons speak to such degree. Better that they be silent. It is good that he does not fear it but still… I cannot speak for someone when I am not in their shoes. I just think demons are better struck silent. Despair flows like black ink from their mouths. One thing is absolutely certain and that is that demon spirits move people like puppets even today yes. And when the world does not believe in them the world makes no defense against them. Yet Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen.

  5. https://youtu.be/yOHZbleNwdQ

    When some people drive out demons,

    they say, “Demon, get out right now! Jesus can defeat you!”

    and act as if they are fighting the demon.

    But Jesus does not save us by fighting the demons.

    Jesus has already judged the ruler of this world.

    We possess His authority.

    What is that we cast out demons?

    It is legal things like you honorably bring out an item that you paid for.

    No one screams, “I believe I can buy this! I surely believe I can buy it!”

    while they are at the store and when they purchase something.

    When an appropriate payment for the value of the item is made,

    anyone can get the item without any effort.

    Similarly, when we know the truth,

    we can experience the freedom legally.

    Come visit our channel for more details!

  6. Sadly, A.A. Allen could not get rid of his own "demons": He died of "liver failure brought on by acute alcoholism".>>Because there is "light" in the universe, there is also a corresponding "darkness". Don't be ignorant enough to dismiss the possibility of supernatural "demons". That being said, I do "not" find the contents of this film clip to be convincing.

  7. The most arrogant deliverance I have ever seen and he allowed the demon to speak to the church sad and not wise at all. But I bet the offering plate was large and passed around very slowly. As someone else also said you're not to conversate with demons just cast them out in JESUS name !!!

  8. if there was ever a day that these dead churches need to wake up we need Deliverance churches all over this nation in fact all over the world I've never seen so much demonic possession and Obsession as I see you today from the pulpit to the Pew to the White House the skid row to the Senate to the Congress to Hollywood to Skid Row to the prisons I'm saying all slaughter of demonic activity


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